Chapter 10 : Summer Festival (2)

(Kaoru and Hiroyuki stroll through the festival, enjoying the vibrant atmosphere and colorful decorations. Suddenly, they spot Patrick in the distance, his arm wrapped around a girl's waist. As they approach, Patrick's eyes widen in surprise at the sight of Kaoru wearing the pink yukata.)



"Kaoru? Is that really you?"


(slightly embarrassed)

"Yeah, it's me, Patrick. Surprise."

(He gestures to the girl beside him, who smiles warmly at Kaoru and Hiroyuki.)



"Guys, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend and my childhood friend, Sato-chan".



"Congratulations, Patrick! That's wonderful news."



"Yeah, congrats. I'm happy for you."

(Sato-san bows politely, her eyes sparkling with happiness.)



"Thank you so much. It's nice to meet you both."

(Patrick's gaze lingers on Kaoru, his expression a mix of curiosity and admiration.)



"Kaoru, I have to say, you look... stunning in that yukata. It suits you."

(Kaoru's cheeks flush with embarrassment at the unexpected compliment.)



"Th-thanks, Patrick. That means a lot coming from you."

Patrick (whispered to Kaoru):

"Bro , you should not be feminine with your girlfriend. Try to be manly".



"Well, I won't keep you guys. Enjoy the rest of your night. And thanks again for the well wishes."



"Of course, Patrick. Congratulations again to you and Sato-san."

(Sato-san bows once more before Patrick leads her away, disappearing into the crowd. Kaoru watches them go, feeling a pang of nostalgia for their friendship.)

(The festival grounds buzz with excitement as the crowd gathers in anticipation of the upcoming fireworks display. The announcer's voice echoes over the speakers, drawing everyone's attention.)



"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! We hope you're enjoying the festivities tonight. We have a special treat for you all. In just ten minutes, our spectacular fireworks display will begin! Find the perfect spot, grab your loved ones, and get ready for an unforgettable show!"

(Hiroyuki turns to Kaoru, a gleam of excitement in her eyes.)



"Kaoru-chan, let's go find a private spot to watch the fireworks. I know just the place."



"Sounds perfect, Hiroyuki. Lead the way!"

(Hiroyuki takes Kaoru's hand in hers, the warmth of her touch sending a shiver of anticipation down Kaoru's spine. They weave through the crowd, Hiroyuki leading them to a secluded area near a towering tree.)



"Here we are. This spot offers the best view of the fireworks. And it's just for us."



"Wow, Hiroyuki. This is incredible. Thank you for bringing me here."

(Hiroyuki smiles warmly at Kaoru, her eyes sparkling with affection.)



"I wanted tonight to be special for us, Kaoru-chan. And watching the fireworks together seems like the perfect way to end the evening."



"I couldn't agree more, Hiroyuki. Thank you for everything."

(As they settle down on the grass, Hiroyuki wraps her arm around Kaoru's shoulders, pulling him close. Together, they gaze up at the night sky, their hearts fluttering with excitement as they await the start of the fireworks display.)



"Look, Kaoru-chan. The first firework is about to go off."



"I can't wait to see them!"

(With bated breath, they watch as the first burst of color lights up the sky, illuminating their faces with a kaleidoscope of hues. Each explosion sends a wave of awe through the crowd, but for Kaoru and Hiroyuki, the real magic is in the shared moment between them.)



"Kaoru-chan, thank you for being by my side tonight. I'm so grateful to have you in my life."



"And I'm grateful for you, Hiroyuki. You make every moment special."

(The fireworks illuminate the night sky with bursts of color and light, casting a magical glow over Hiroyuki and Kaoru as they watch in awe.)



"Kaoru-chan, look at how beautiful they are."



"Yeah, they're amazing. But not as amazing as you."

(Hiroyuki turns to Kaoru, her eyes shining with affection. Without hesitation, she leans in and presses her lips to his in a tender kiss. Time seems to stand still as they share this intimate moment, their hearts beating in perfect synchrony.)



"I love you, Kaoru-chan."



"I love you too, Hiroyuki."

(As the fireworks continue to light up the sky, Kaoru and Hiroyuki hold each other close, their love for each other shining brighter than any firework display. In this moment of blissful serenity, they know that they have found true happiness in each other's arms.)

(The fireworks display has come to an end, and Hiroyuki walks alongside Kaoru as they make their way through the quiet streets towards his home.)


(sighing contentedly)

"That was amazing, Hiroyuki. Thank you for tonight."



"I'm glad you enjoyed it, Kaoru-chan. I had a wonderful time too."

(They walk in comfortable silence for a while, the only sound being the soft rustle of leaves in the gentle night breeze.)



"Hiroyuki, thank you for everything. Tonight was truly special."



"You don't have to thank me, Kaoru-chan. Being with you is all the thanks I need."

(They reach Kaoru's doorstep, and Hiroyuki turns to face him, her expression soft with affection.)



"I guess this is goodbye for tonight, huh?"



"Yeah. But I'll see you tomorrow, right?"



"Of course. I wouldn't miss seeing my handsome boyfriend at school at the first day after summer holidays."

(Kaoru's cheeks flush at the compliment, and he chuckles nervously.)



"Um, thanks, Hiroyuki. You're pretty handsome yourself."

(Hiroyuki laughs, the sound music to Kaoru's ears.)


"Goodnight, Kaoru-chan. Sweet dreams."


"Goodnight, Hiroyuki. Take care."

(With a final smile, Hiroyuki turns and begins to walk away. Kaoru watches her go, his heart swelling with warmth and happiness.)



"I love you, Hiroyuki."

(As Hiroyuki disappears into the night, Kaoru turns and unlocks the door to his house. He steps inside, a smile still lingering on his lips as he thinks about the wonderful evening he just spent with the person he loves most in the world. Closing the door behind him, he heads to his room, already counting down the minutes until he can see Hiroyuki again.)