Chapter 15 : Breakup?

(Kaoru approaches Hiroyuki, a smile on his face, but Hiroyuki walks past him without acknowledging his presence. Confusion clouds Kaoru's expression as he watches her disappear into the crowd.)



"Hey, Hiroyuki, wait up!"

(Hiroyuki continues walking, seemingly oblivious to Kaoru's attempts to get her attention.)


(to himself, frustrated)

"What's going on? Why is she ignoring me?"

(Patrick approaches, noticing Kaoru's frustration.)



"Hey, Kaoru, what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost."



"It's Hiroyuki. I've been trying to talk to her all day, but she keeps ignoring me."



"Ah, I see. Well, sometimes that happens in relationships, you know? People need their space sometimes."



"But we've never had a problem like this before. It's like she's avoiding me on purpose."


(calming him down)

"Hey, hey, chill out, Kaoru. I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for it. Maybe she's just busy or preoccupied with something else."



"Yeah, you're probably right. I'm just overthinking things."



"Exactly. Give her some time, and I'm sure she'll come around. In the meantime, why don't we focus on something else, like acing that math test next period?"



"Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Patrick. I needed that."



"Hey, Patrick, can I talk to you for a moment?"

(Patrick nods, intrigued by Sato's secretive demeanor. They move to a quieter corner of the corridor.)



"What's up, Sato? Everything okay?"



"Yeah, everything's fine. I just wanted to tell you something."

(Patrick listens intently as Sato leans in, whispering into his ear.)



"Oh, I see. Thanks for letting me know, Sato."

(Sato gives him a small nod before they both turn to see Kaoru approaching.)


(turning to Kaoru)

"Hey, Kaoru, I gotta run. See you later, okay?"



"Uh, yeah, sure. See you later, Patrick."

(Patrick and Sato exchange a quick glance before intertwining their fingers and walking off together in the opposite direction, leaving Kaoru to ponder the mystery of their sudden departure.)

(Kaoru got a message from Hiroyuki)

Kaoru's heart raced as he read Hiroyuki's message to meet in a cafe. Anxiety gnawed at him, fearing that she wanted to end their relationship. Every step towards the cafe felt heavier with uncertainty, his mind swirling with worst-case scenarios. Despite his attempts to calm himself, the fear of a breakup loomed large. He couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom, wondering what had gone wrong between them to warrant such a meeting.

(Kaoru enters the cafe, his heart still heavy with apprehension despite the cheerful ambiance. As he scans the room, his eyes widen in surprise at the sight before him.)



"What... What's going on?"

(At a corner table, he sees Hiroyuki, Patrick, and Sato sitting together, their faces lit up with excitement. A banner hangs overhead, reading "Happy Birthday, Kaoru!")




(Kaoru's eyes fill with tears as he approaches the table, overwhelmed by the unexpected gesture.)


(voice trembling)

"I... I can't believe this."



"Happy birthday, Kaoru! We wanted to make today extra special for you."

(Kaoru takes a seat at the table, feeling a flood of emotions wash over him. He looks at Hiroyuki, who reaches out to hold his hand.)



"We know you've been feeling anxious today, but it's not what you think, Kaoru. We're not here to break up with you."

(Kaoru's tears spill over as relief washes over him, and he pulls Hiroyuki into a tight embrace.)


(voice choked with emotion)

"Thank you, Hiroyuki. Thank you all. I... I don't know what to say."

(Sato hands him a tissue, offering a comforting smile.)


"Here, Kaoru. No need to thank us. You deserve to feel loved and celebrated on your special day."

(Kaoru wipes away his tears, feeling a sense of warmth and gratitude fill his heart. Hiroyuki gestures towards the center of the table, where a beautifully decorated cake sits, waiting to be cut.)


"Shall we?"

(Kaoru nods, his smile returning as he picks up the knife.)


"Let's do it."

(Together, they cut into the cake, laughter filling the air as they share stories and memories. Kaoru feels a sense of joy and belonging wash over him, grateful for the friends who have gone out of their way to make his birthday unforgettable.)


(raising his glass)

"To Kaoru, the kindest and most amazing friend anyone could ask for. Happy birthday!"

(Everyone raises their glasses in a toast, clinking them together before taking a sip.)


(tears of happiness in his eyes)

"Thank you, everyone. This means more to me than you'll ever know."

(As they continue to celebrate, Kaoru feels a profound sense of gratitude for the friendship and love that surrounds him. Today may have started with fear and uncertainty, but it ends with laughter, joy, and the knowledge that he is truly cherished.)