Legacy of the Naaru

Alvin feels that this place is getting more and more dangerous!

After secretly observing at the top of the mountain for so long, Ivan felt that some kind of existence in the cave was also observing him, so Ivan hunched over and returned to the village from the original route.

Lying on the bed, Ivan was exhausted, but he didn't want to sleep at all. What happened today made him unable to sleep. Originally, Ivan thought that Sargeras would arrive for a while, but the Evil Titan has not arrived yet. , and Aiwen's heart has been tainted with the shadow of void...

Early the next morning, Alvin got up and went to Captain Murphy, hoping to ask something clearly.

As he walked in the village, villagers greeted him from time to time. In addition to training, Aiwen also helped many villagers during this period, and the villagers also gave him a lot of help.

"What a wonderful village, but it is a pity that it will be destroyed..." Ivan could only sigh in his heart!

When Ivan found Captain Murphy, he was wiping his war hammer at home. When he saw Ivan, he smiled and said: "I heard that you went back very late last night. Although hard work is a good thing, the ability to combine work and rest can Achieve maximum progress!"

Ivan's focus was not on training matters. He asked straightforwardly: "Captain Murphy, do you know the western area of the village?"

The cloth in Captain Murphy's hand no longer wiped the war hammer: "Did you see anything?"

Ivan concealed what happened last night: "I drank too much on the way back last night and took a sidetrack. I saw a purple light flashing in the west, so I came here early this morning to ask the captain."

Captain Murphy put down the hammer, frowned, and kept walking around the room, the Eredar's unique hooves and feet making a clicking sound on the ground.

"To the west of the village, there is a valley. There used to be many moonlight grasses in the valley, which glowed brightly at night, so the villagers called it Moon Shadow Valley."

"But now the valley has changed, and no one from the village has gone anywhere."

Alvin asked: "Is it because of what happened?"

Captain Murphy seemed a little entangled, but he still said it: "There is a dead Naaru buried there..."

"Naru? Why did the incarnation of the Holy Light die?" Although Ivan knew that Naru would also die, he asked knowingly.

"Why Naaru died, as a little guard captain, I don't know very well, but after Naaru died, the governor above decided to bury her remains in Moon Shadow Valley."

After a pause, Murphy continued: "At the beginning, there was nothing strange. Then slowly, the moongrass in the valley stopped blooming. After a few years, they all died. After a few years, the moon grass in the valley gradually stopped blooming. A strange atmosphere began to permeate the air. I have been there and it made me feel very uncomfortable."

"The Academy once sent a team of teachers to investigate this place, but I heard that several people died later, and no one came to the valley after that."

"Evan, the purple light you see may be the remains of Naru's death! Captain Murphy held the cloth tightly in his hand: I will report this matter immediately. Now you go to the village square with me. When summoning the villagers, they must be informed immediately that Moon Shadow Valley can no longer be approached!" Aiwen naturally agreed, and the two of them took action immediately.

In the small square, facing everyone in the village, Murphy looked serious: "Dear villagers, due to the wild beasts outside from time to time, we will close the road from the village to Moon Shadow Valley, and all villagers will You are not allowed to go to Moon Shadow Valley without permission!"

In the end, Murphy did not tell the truth to the villagers, but Alvin was able to express his understanding: If he really told the truth, the villagers might not believe it. After all, Naaru has a very high status in the hearts of the Eredar people!

After the villagers dispersed, Captain Murphy lowered his head and said to Ivan: "Now I'm going to call the guards to block the road. You go to Minara's residence immediately. She has a communication crystal there and I ask her to inform her superiors of the news. Remember, it must be kept secret!"

Alvin ran all the way to Minara's residence, and Wendy happened to be there, playing with some of Minara's gadgets.

"Wendy! I just saw your mother looking for you in the village. You have to go back quickly, otherwise she will be unhappy!" Wendy heard this and could only put down what she was holding: "Okay, okay, Mi Aunt Nora, I'll come and play with you in the afternoon!"

Seeing Wendy jumping away, Ivan frowned and said: "Priest Minara, Captain Murphy asked me to tell you that there is a problem in Moon Shadow Valley!"

Minara was packing up the items that were messed up by Wendy. When she heard Alvin's words, her hand suddenly stopped: "Moon Shadow Valley? What problems could happen there?"

Ivan could only repeat what he had communicated with Captain Murphy today. Only after listening to Minara did he understand the seriousness of the matter!

"I'll go to the observatory right away to get the communication crystal. You can go and help Captain Murphy now. I have a feeling something big is about to happen..."

The operation lasted until evening. The village guard team and reserve team members spent a day completely blocking the intersection and adding many warning signs on both sides of the road: Ivan and the others had done everything they could.

At night, Alvin was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, and there was a knock on the window: "Aven, are you asleep?"

Opening the door, it was Minara outside the door: "It's so late, what can I do for the priest?"

Minara whispered: "If possible, I hope you can go to the observatory with me. I have something to show you."

Minara came to find Alvin so late, so it was naturally a very important matter. While walking on the road, Minara told Alvin in a solemn tone: She also saw the purple light that Alvin mentioned with the telescope at the observatory. !

Soon, the two came to the top of the observatory together. Ivan saw Captain Murphy holding a monocular telescope in his hand and looking ahead.

"Captain Murphy, Alvin is here!" Minara said while finding two more monoculars from the locker: "Here, Alvin, come and see if this light is what you saw last night. The one!"

Ivan took the telescope, opened it in the direction Minara pointed, adjusted the focus, and searched slowly. The lens slowly moved to the west. Suddenly, the lens stopped: Ivan saw a group of purples. The light is brighter than what I saw last night!

After observing for a while, Ivan put down the telescope in his hand and saw Captain Murphy and Minara looking at him. He said helplessly: "It is indeed exactly the same as what I saw last night, except that the light is brighter than last night! "

Captain Murphy frowned tightly: "Priest Minara, is there any news from the Arcana Academy?"

Minara replied: "It will take a day at the fastest for the nearest light-forged beacon to reach the village, so the fastest support will arrive tomorrow!"

After sighing, Captain Murphy smiled bitterly and said: "I hope they can pay attention to this place, otherwise, we may really be in big trouble."

The three people observed it on the top of the observatory for a long time, and it was not until late at night that they returned to their residences.