crazy training

Alvin sat on a chair at the intersection and looked into the distance quietly. He was here waiting for the return of Captain Murphy and his party.

The sun was almost setting, and a burgundy sunset reflected on Alvin's face in the distance. The forest became darker and darker, and rustling sounds came from time to time. The forest was also quite lively at night.

Gradually, the sunset also disappeared, the stars in the sky took their place, and suddenly there was a sound of footsteps in the dark forest.

Ivan raised his ears and vaguely heard the sound of conversation: It was Captain Murphy and the others! Alvin quickly stood up and ran forward.

"Captain Murphy! Ms. Salolas! Is that you?" Ivan shouted.

"Evan, release the barrier at the intersection, we'll be there soon!" This was Captain Murphy's voice.

Ai Wen stood guard at the intersection, waiting for their arrival: one, two, three, four... There were eight people when we set out, and there were still eight people when we came back. It seems that the mission was completed smoothly! Alvin also breathed a sigh of relief.

When everyone walked in, Ivan put the roadblocks back in place: "Two ladies, is it considered a victory if the mission is completed?"

Looking at the solemn expressions of the Ereda twins, Ivan had a bad feeling.

"In fact, we didn't even get to the cave," Captain Murphy explained.

"But you didn't come back until the evening. Did something happen to you?"

"Let's go back to the meeting hall first! I've been wearing armor for a day and I'm already very hungry. Let's talk about this during dinner!" Many villagers have already heard the news and Murphy doesn't want the villagers to panic any more!

The cook had already prepared a sumptuous dinner in the meeting hall. This time, everyone's appetite was obviously not very good. This obviously had nothing to do with Cook's cooking skills.

After dinner, Ivan looked at Captain Murphy again. This time Murphy did not hesitate: "We went to the signposts where the Naaru fragments were sealed before. All three sealing signs were destroyed in strange ways!"

"Strange method? Is it man-made?" Ivan asked.

Oreses, who had been silent, added: "The destruction was not caused by man-made reasons, it was some kind of force that I have never seen before... The entire beacon was destroyed from the inside out, and if it was man-made or a beast, if it were destroyed, that would not happen!"

"Didn't Ms. Olesses bring back the sign and study it carefully?" Ivan was even more worried!

"That beacon exuded an ominous aura. I was afraid it would have a bad impact on the village, so I didn't bring it back." Apparently, Aurese thought that those who destroyed the beacon were not ordinary!

The candlelight in the room was bright and warm, but everyone's hearts were very heavy: they seemed to be in big trouble...

Captain Murphy suddenly stood up: "What we need to do now is learn how to solve the current problem! Ms. Saloras, what can you say?"

Saloras was still sitting quietly on the chair, but Alvin next to her saw her tail with a golden ring wagging constantly.

"The beacon has been destroyed. Now we need a new beacon to seal the Naaru fragments. Before that, no one can go near Moon Shadow Valley." Saloras spoke slowly.

Oreses added: "We only brought three suppression beacons this time. Now the sealing beacons outside Moon Shadow Valley have been destroyed, so we need to make three more. This will probably take a while."

"Approximately, how long will it take?" Captain Murphy frowned. He needed a specific number.

"For at least ten days, the fusion of the arcane magic and the sealing material can only proceed slowly." Oreses said.

"Okay! During this period, the garrison will try its best to guard the safety of the village and prevent the villagers from leaving the village!"

Captain Murphy then said to Priest Minara: "Priest Minara, please issue an announcement tomorrow, saying that the number of wild beasts outside the village has increased significantly, and all villagers are not allowed to leave the village to prevent danger!"

Seeing Minara nodding, Captain Murphy asked again: "Ms. Oreses, do we need to request another batch of support from our superiors?"

Olaise shook her head and said: "Now is the time for the academy's major exams. I'm afraid the academy won't be able to spare any manpower for the time being."

Brewster, who said very little on the side, also spoke: "The personnel transfer process is also very time-consuming.'

Captain Murphy heard what they said and had no choice but to give up.

After everyone in the academy left, Captain Murphy turned to Ivan and said, "You can start training tomorrow! I have already told Oliver, Lawson and Green in the team today that they will meet with me tomorrow. Minara and I will inject holy light energy into you. Go back and have a good rest tonight, and prepare for the most difficult challenge tomorrow!"

Ivan was very moved: "Captain! I really thank you!!"

Captain Murphy smiled and said, "Performing well tomorrow is my greatest thank you. I also want to know what kind of effect the teacher's training method will have!"

Last night, Alvin was lying on the bed.

Although he knew that he would face a major test tomorrow, he couldn't sleep early: Captain Murphy's help, the threat of the void, and the future fate of Argus were intertwined, constantly cutting, and confusing.

Ivan has been in this village for so long and has regarded it as his second hometown. Although his rationality tells him to leave here as soon as possible and go to Macaire to have a chance of survival, he has been struggling emotionally.

In his sleep, Ivan dreamed of the evil titan Sargeras: his whole body was filled with emerald-colored explosive flames, and evil energy flowed under the cracked skin. He held a huge, broken sword in his hand. Stab the sword at Argus.


Ivan was woken up. He sat up and looked at the world, wiping the cold sweat from his face. Finally, he didn't fall asleep!

Wearing a blue training uniform, Ivan arrived at the training ground early, only to find that Captain Murphy, Priest Minara and Academy guests Oliver, Lawson and Green were already there. Surprisingly, Ivan I also saw the Ereda twin sisters in the crowd!

Murphy saw Alvin coming over: "Alvin, you need to do your best today!"

Ai Wen asked: 'Are the two ladies, Orese and Saloras, also here for training? "

Salolas smiled and said: "Of course not, this small training ground cannot help the surge of Mathematical Olympiad energy!"

Captain Murphy explained: "The infusion of holy light energy requires several of us to work together, but there is no good way to train your body under the greatest burden. Fortunately, Ms. Salolas is here, and she will use The arcane magic is on you, allowing your body to withstand maximum pressure. Only in this way can the training effect be achieved!"

"Then thank you in advance, Ms. Salolas!!" Ivan nodded in salute, turned around, clenched his fists and said to Captain Murphy: "I'm ready. Captain Murphy, when will it start?"

"You can start at any time, if you want!" Captain Murphy said with a smile.

The ground of the training ground has been covered with a thick layer of linen. Ivan first put on the special tight-fitting clothes brought by Salora. According to Salora, even the most powerful mathematical Olympiad puppet in the academy can bond! Then Alvin sat down cross-legged as per the captain's request.

Captain Murphy, Priest Minara, the two priests Oliver and Lawson, and the high priest Green stood around Ivan. Captain Murphy gave an order, and the holy light energy of the five people was poured into Ivan's body at the same time. inside