
The rain fell in all directions driven by the strong wind, the black cumulus clouds, the lightning that kept flashing across the sky, and the large waves caused by the wind in the lake. The small boat seemed to be lost in this harsh environment in the next second. Will sink!

Alvin continued to paddle hard, and the boat moved forward slowly in the rough waves.

"Evan! We have to avoid that wave in front of us!" Shelley pointed forward and shouted, a huge wave was rushing towards the boat quickly!

"Hurry up!" Ivan did not follow Shelley's advice. This wave must be passed to reach the shore, otherwise we don't know when we can get ashore!

The lake water kept lapping at the boat, and Shelley could even hear the creaking and squeezing of the wooden boards on the hull. The boat was about to disintegrate!

"Get down!!!" Ivan shouted angrily, holding up the oar. The oncoming waves were even higher than Ivan standing on the boat!

The huge waves easily lifted up this poor little boat, and then ruthlessly smashed it to the water!

boom! ! ! The bottom of the boat slapped hard on the water, and then the stern of the boat raised high - it was about to capsize! !

"Steady!!!!" Alvin shouted and jumped directly from the bow to the stern. The huge force caused the raised stern to be pressed back again!

"We will reach the shore in a short distance!!" Shelley straightened up again and pointed ahead in surprise.

Alvin hurried over to row the boat again, but found that the wood pulp fixed to the hull had broken!

"Are there any other rowing tools??" Ivan said with a wry smile, holding up the oar with only one piece of wood left.

"No...this boat is equipped with an oar!" Shelley sat down on the board full of water. Fate gave them hope, and now it has taken it away!

Ivan didn't want to give up, so he searched for useful things on the boat in the pouring rain. However, apart from the fishing rod, the only thing left was a piece of rope used when parking the boat!

"I hope there are no monsters in the water!!" Ivan whispered and took off all his clothes!

"What are you doing??" Shelley said with a red face.

"Do what I should do!" Ivan only wore a pair of underwear. The heavy rain mixed with the lake water quickly wet his whole body. His streamlined figure looked stronger and stronger in the rain!

Tie one end of the rope tightly to the bow of the boat, and Ivan tied the other end to his waist: "Hold on, I'll take you ashore!!" He shouted and jumped into the water, making a splash.

The rope on the bow of the boat was slowly straightened, and Alvin could be vaguely seen swimming in the water through the rain. He was ready to pull the entire boat directly to the shore! !

Alvin jumped into the water, and countless waves quickly pushed him underwater. However, relying on his survival instinct, Alvin finally surfaced!

"Huh...huh..." Using the standard freestyle posture, Alvin swam forward hard in the rolling lake water!

"It's's almost here!!" Ivan raised his head from time to time and looked at the land ahead, and he was getting closer little by little!

Although it was only a short distance, due to the wind, waves and the complex turbulence in the lake, it still took Aiwen a long time to finally touch the mud of the lake with his feet!

"Hiccup..." Alvin burped. He drank a lot of water while swimming just now, and now his stomach is full!

With the ground beneath his feet, Alvin was finally able to exert his strength! Untie the rope around your waist and pull the boat over with both hands!

"Shelley!!" After dragging the whole boat to the shore, Alvin quickly jumped on the boat. He was afraid that Shelley would be swept away by the big waves! !

"I'm here!!" Shelley hid in the corner of the stern and huddled up. She was always good at avoiding danger!

After helping Shelley to the shore, Alvin pulled out a shining golden pearl from nowhere like a magic trick!

"Given to you!" Alvin grinned!

"Evan...where did you get the golden pearl??" Shelley covered her mouth and said.

"When I first landed, I felt like I had stepped on something on the sole of my foot, and I pulled it out as soon as I hooked my toe!" Ivan said with a proud smile. How could he be in the Air Force when he went out to fish? ? ! !

Shelley held the pearl tightly in her hand. Because of the rain, Alvin did not see the mist in her eyes.

Jumping back into the cabin, Alvin wrung out the clothes that had been soaked by the rain and put them on again, and the two of them walked towards Bell Town clinging to each other...

The rain was still falling heavily, as if there was a splashing sound throughout the world.

"You have to take a hot bath quickly when you get back, otherwise you will definitely get sick!" Ivan said to Shelley with a sideways look.

The light golden hair sticks tightly to her head, making the two pairs of small horns more eye-catching. The rainwater flows down Shelley's neck, and the thin shirt has already been soaked: Shelley is indeed Ai Wenjian The best eredar person ever!

Alvin lowered his head, and Shelley left pairs of small footprints on the ground. Maybe they are better called hoof prints!

etc! ! footprint? ?

Ivan paused and looked back at the ground again: In addition to the footprints of the two people, there were many messy footprints on the ground: there were three sparse claw marks in front of the slender footprints!

"They're here again!!" Ivan said to Shelley in a deep voice.

"We have to go back as soon as possible. I wonder if the escort has noticed it!" Ivan became a little worried.

Bending down, Alvin looked back at Shelley: "Come up, Miss Shelley! We have to return to Bell Town quickly!"

Just like the first time, Shelley lay on Ivan's back, feeling the warmth of Shelley's body. Ivan once again burst out with powerful strength and ran in the wilderness, but this time he did not walk along the road, but It was under Shelley's guidance that they took a hidden path, and they had to run to the town in advance to tell everyone!

The rain dances behind Alvin, leaving a deep footprint on the ground every time he steps down!

"We're here!!" Ivan put Shelley down. If it weren't for his hands dragging Shelley's hips, Ivan could still run faster!

"You immediately go to the meeting hall to find Mayor Gard and ask him to notify all the townspeople to gather in a safe place. I will go find the guards to defend the town. This time I will make sure they never come back!" Ivan As he spoke, he took out the Dawn Sword and a set of plate armor from the storage ring and quickly put them on, transforming from a fisherman into a steel warrior!

"By the way, remember to inform Captain Wallen, stay with him and pay attention to your own safety!" Ivan put on his helmet and a dull voice came out.

Kicking open the door of the escort team, Ivan roared angrily: "Everyone in the Bell Town Guard team, gather at the training ground immediately! Fully armed!!"

A few minutes later, more than fifty people on the training ground stood quietly. Ivan looked at everyone in black armor and said: "I just got the news that the monster that attacked Bell Town last time will come again today! Now, as a Captain of the Bell Town Guards, we need you to make your due contribution to the town!"