the price of strength

How melee professions fight against long-range mages is a question that has been studied by countless people throughout history. After countless battles, most people have come to the conclusion that with the same strength, it is difficult for melee professions to pose a threat to spellcasters.

At least on Argus, a planet where arcane magic is very developed, the wizards have invented a variety of spells, such as flash, ice barrier, ice ring, mirror image...

So many spells can play a huge role in the hands of an experienced spellcaster, but for melee professions, if they cannot approach the enemy quickly and cause fatal damage, then what awaits them is endless pulling, commonly known as walking the dog. …

As the leading outstanding student of the Arcane Academy, Giles's attainments in arcane magic are beyond doubt.

In the training ground, Giles calmly cast a thick arcane shield on himself, and then cast an arcane wisdom on himself, which made his spellcasting more efficient!

A ball of arcane orb appeared in Giles' hand, and the intense energy contained within it made the audience outside the venue secretly frightened!

"Outsider, I will let you see what real power is!" Giles pushed the orb directly out, and the rotating orb roared into Ivan, but the latter did not change his expression and seemed not to see it. Giles' attack!

Everyone thinks that Ivan is too big. Giles is not as good at fighting as Master Morton. The arcane magic he cast has taken away the lives of countless enemies!

"That's it?" Giles laughed loudly. The person Lord Archimonde liked was about to be killed by him!

Shelley covered her eyes, she couldn't bear to see Alvin getting hurt!

The orb arrived in front of Ivan in an instant, but the latter directly raised his right hand, green evil energy flashed, and the blue arcane orb disappeared in the air!

"What? Why did my orb disappear like this?" Giles obviously couldn't believe what he saw!

The orb did not disappear out of thin air, but was swallowed by Ivan! Alvin had noticed this as early as that night in Bell Town. The evil energy in his body would not reject any energy, whether it was arcane, holy light or shadow, it would turn into chaos after entering the body. Evil energy!

"It's my turn!" The Blade of Dawn appeared in Ivan's hand at some point!

With a kick of his legs, Alvin jumped directly into the air and drew a parabola, finally landing next to Giles!

The war blade stained with fel flames directly cut through Giles' arcane shield, and the latter could even feel the blazing edge!

With a buzz, Giles turned into a point of light and appeared on the other side of the training ground in an instant. Ivan's attack also failed!

Giles, who had just flashed, had no time to adjust the magic circuit in his body, and directly put an arcane ring on Ivan. The light blue ring contained a huge force field, and Ivan's movement speed suddenly slowed down. slow!

Applying the arcane shield to himself again, Giles chanted the magic spell, and arcane shocks hit Ivan like huge waves!

The violent energy impact directly forced Alvin to the fence of the training ground. Alvin was getting farther and farther away from Giles, and this was exactly the result Giles needed!

Taking out a thick parchment book, Giles put his hand directly on the cover. He was ready to take this opportunity to directly deal with this threat!

The crystal lights above the training ground flickered on and off. This was caused by the accumulation of high concentrations of arcane energy in a short period of time. As the mantra continued to be chanted, two constantly rotating arcane energy appeared in front of Giles. , the powerful energy fluctuations even distorted the surrounding air!

"Captain Clive, go down and prepare to protect Alvin. Giles is crazy. He actually used such a powerful spell here!" Morton, who came from the teleportation hall, quickly greeted Clive.

"Tremble! Your doom is coming!" Giles finally prepared his spell, and two intertwined and rotating terrifying energies came straight towards Ivan!

How could Clive's legs keep up with the extremely fast surge of magical energy? He could only watch helplessly as Ivan was submerged in the huge energy riot!

"No..." Shelley screamed helplessly, she should have dissuaded Alvin!

The explosion raised a large cloud of smoke and dust on the training ground, and a figure in the center could be vaguely seen.

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated under the blowing of the evening breeze. When everyone could see clearly below again, they were all shocked!

Alvin disappeared, replaced by a monster with horns, hooves, and claws!

"That's... Ivan?" Gad saw the golden war blade in his hand.

The explosive arcane energy once again turned Ivan into a demon, but this time Ivan did not lose consciousness. He seemed to be drunk and lost his mind, with only the desire for destruction in his heart!

A green shadow swept across the training ground and arrived in front of Giles in the blink of an eye. With a clang, the war blade hit the tough ice: Giles opened the ice barrier at the last moment!

Just a second before the barrier ended, Giles once again flashed out of Ivan's attack range, but before he could gain a foothold, Ivan followed him like a shadow!

Seeing that Alvin's war blade was about to kill Giles, Clive finally got close. A transparent light shield appeared around Giles, and Alvin's war blade struck hard. , a deep hole was made on the surface of the light shield, and the holy shield was almost broken!

Giles' bulging forehead was covered with sweat, and the tentacles on his chin were trembling. It was the first time that he was so close to death!

"You have won! Captain Ivan!" Clive shouted.

"You dare to stop me??!!" Ivan's voice seemed to come from the dark abyss. The evil energy had burned Ivan's mind. He just wanted to destroy everything he saw!

boom! ! ! Alvin turned and attacked Clive!

The evil blade collided with the holy light. Obviously Clive was not the opponent of the demonized Ivan! After just a few rounds, Clive rolled and fell out of the training ground!

"Ahem..." Under the impact of the evil energy, Clive felt like the world was spinning, and then he fell heavily to the ground, and was then caught by Alvin.

The tall Clive was like a child in front of the demonized Ivan. He was easily grabbed by the throat and picked up: "The disgusting holy light..." Ivan only felt that there was something about the man in his hand that made him What you hate needs to be eliminated!

Feeling the increasing strength on his neck, Clive's life seemed to be counting down!

"Ivan..." Shelley also walked into the training ground at some point: "What made you become like this..." Shelley's red eyes seemed to wake up Ivan!

Throwing Clive to the ground, Alvin slowly walked towards Shelley. Every time he took a step forward, the evil power in Alvin's body shrank partially. By the time Alvin walked up to Shelley, he had become the familiar figure again. look