Confidant Alvin

It was already evening when Ivan returned to Bell Town, and Mayor Gard led everyone to wait on the dock.

"Shelley has prepared a sumptuous dinner for you!" As soon as he landed, Mayor Gad greeted him: "In addition, twelve people were buried at the bottom of the lake during the Bashar Festival. You finally solved the water monster. ?"

"It has sunk under the water forever!" Ivan smiled. He did not directly tell Gad the specific situation. Some things still require careful investigation and evidence collection.

In the silent night, a figure ran from a distance. It was Miss Shelley who came after hearing the news: "Alvin!! I knew you would come back!" In the public, Shelley just stood in front of Alvin and stared. He, obviously this Eredar girl had a lot to say!

"I said I would definitely come back, how could I lie to you!" Ivan said with a smile.

Wearing a pink apron, Shelley looked like an ordinary housewife: "I prepared dinner with my own hands today, and it was all made of fish! It was specially prepared for you."

"After swimming in the water for so long, I can't wait to have a taste!" Aiwen shook his body and shook off the water drops on his skin: "Mayor Gard, I'm leaving first!" Aiwen Wen nodded to everyone who came to wait for him. He saw Master Morton among the crowd. Ivan's green eyes were particularly eye-catching against the night: "Master Morton, how is the job done? ?" he said with a smile.

"As you wished, it's almost finished!" Morton lowered his head and said softly, his long robe rustling slightly in the night wind.

"This is the best news I heard today! I will visit again when I have time. I have to go back first. The wet clothes make me feel a little uncomfortable!" Ivan said softly, staring at Morton.

As the little princess of the business group, Shelley's cooking skills are surprisingly good! After a gust of wind and clouds, a table full of food was swallowed by Alvin!

"Each dish has a different flavor, where did you learn that?!" Ivan said softly after eating and drinking, holding Shelley in his arms.

"I have been traveling around with my father since I was a child. Everywhere I go, I collect local recipes and learn a lot of cooking skills over time!" Shelley rested her head on Ivan's shoulder. She was still wearing the pink apron. Alvin is not allowed to take them off. Sometimes these daily clothes always make him feel strange...

After being gentle for a while, Shelley got up and cleared the table, and Alvin also put on his clothes: "I'm going out and I'll be back in a minute!"

"Why are you coming back? You are not my partner now!" Shelley turned back and rolled his eyes at Alvin. He has already received enough, and the most precious thing should be saved until the end!

The warm atmosphere was broken like this, and Alvin could only angrily slap Shelley's butt behind the apron a few times: "Just wait! Sooner or later!!"

The wind started blowing outside at some point. Alvin wrapped his robe tightly and walked into the darkness. His goal was Giles' residence.

Boom, boom, boom! ! ! A knock on the door broke the silent night.

"The door is not closed, come in!" Giles' voice came from inside the house.

Alvin walked into the room, and the light blue arcane light shone on his face. Giles was sitting at the desk writing something. The room was densely packed with books of all sizes. Giles was in the academic field. Obviously enough to study hard enough.

"I told you that you can manage all the affairs of the escort team. You don't need to ask me for instructions anymore!" Giles thought it was Clive who came in.

"Captain Giles, it's me, Alvin." The faint voice sounded like thunder in Giles' ears!

The ink in the pen suddenly spilled onto the parchment. Giles turned back and looked at Alvin. He felt that he was in some danger!

"Don't worry, I'm just here to chat with you this time!" Alvin saw the hostility in Giles's eyes, waved his hand and sat down in a pile of books: "We don't have any conflicts in the first place, right? I I came here with great kindness!"

Looking at Alvin's open hands, Giles slowly sat down. He did not feel Alvin's hostility.

"Mayor Gard has told me your plan, and I will cooperate with him until everyone returns to Macaire safely!" Giles said slowly.

"I didn't come here this time because of my previous plan. I actually wanted to know more about the mage in detail. You know, the last duel made me very interested in the battle mage. You put a lot of pressure on me!" Alvin first praised Giles a few words.

Under Ivan's constant greetings, Giles, as an academic who only knows how to study arcane magic all year round, quickly let go of his defenses. After all, in his opinion, people who can easily defeat him are so approachable. Ivan His morality is comparable to that of Lord Archimonde!

After Ivan said something similar to whether the flash technique can be further developed to release control, Giles was even more amazed by Ivan. This is also a question he has been thinking about recently!

"So, arcanists are so powerful, so why does Master Morton only know some superficial damage spells?!" Ivan started to get down to business.

"It's not that Morton doesn't want to learn these spells, but his magic circuit determines this. As an arcanist, his own talent is very important. Some people are suitable for frost spells, some are suitable for fire spells, and Morton's three systems Magic is not suitable, so I can only find another way to take care of some auxiliary work!" Clive said it directly, and in his opinion, this was no secret.

"So that's the case, but to be honest, thanks to Master Morton this time, we were able to build the portal so quickly!" Ivan sighed.

"It's actually not a big problem for me!" Giles raised his eyebrows and said. As an outstanding student in the Secret Academy, he is qualified to say this!

"Of course I believe this. By the way, in that case, let's go to the portal and have a look! Today I accompanied Mayor Gard just to have a quick look. If Captain Giles goes with me, he will definitely be able to Learn more!" Alvin suggested.

Giles naturally agreed without thinking, so the two of them arrived at the construction site in the dark.

With a snap, Giles opened all the crystal lanterns in the hall with a snap of his fingers, and the dark hall suddenly became brighter. The portal in the middle had been built, waiting for the input of magic power.

Ivan first came closer to observe: "It's such an ingenious technology. As a warrior, it's really hard for me to imagine how the mages can design such an exquisite building!"

Giles stood at the door and felt very proud. As an arcanist, he couldn't be more satisfied with Ivan's praise!

He strode up to Alvin and said with a smile: "Let me introduce this portal to you! You can't see the mystery just by looking at it like this!"

"A complete teleportation gate requires three major components: a stabilizing array, an energy input array, and a space distortion array. Let's first take a look at the space distortion array on the base. Generally speaking, what needs to be engraved in order to teleport to Macaire is Samira style glyph...wait, I have never seen this glyph before!"