New map, Mac'Aree

After sending the exhausted Shelley back to the room, Alvin ran straight to the meeting hall.

As soon as he walked in the door, Alvin saw the joy on Mayor Gard's face. It was obviously not bad news!

"What's the point of calling me here in such a hurry?" Ivan walked into the room unhurriedly.

"Haha, Ivan is finally here! I have good news for you!" Gad put down the pen in his hand as soon as he saw Ivan walking in: "There is news from Giles today that he has improved the magic circuit. To change the plan, we took the materials from the original teleportation hall and completed the modification in just one afternoon! "

"This is the best news I heard today!" Ivan also became excited. He has been responsible for the village's defense these days. God knows how much pressure he is under!

"Did Giles say when the portal will be able to operate normally?" Ivan asked again.

"As soon as tomorrow!" Mayor Gard waved the roster in his hand: "Everyone's information has been recorded, and you can leave directly as planned tomorrow!"

"Ivan, you still need to work the last night shift today!" Gad patted Ivan on the shoulder and said.

"As you wish, Mayor Gard! Then I'll go back and change clothes first!" Ivan was still wearing a loose robe.

It started to drizzle at night, and fine raindrops fell on the ground. The rustling sound of rain made the night even more silent.

Ivan led a group of people to patrol around the town, and the sound of armor clashing came from time to time in the orderly footsteps.

"It's the last day, we must hold on today!" Ivan shouted at the front, everyone's clothes were soaked with rain.

Ivan's eyepatch has been taken off, and his pair of eyes filled with evil fire are particularly eye-catching in the dark night. He keeps his evil eyes open while patrolling, and no hidden enemy in the darkness can escape his observation!

His legs exerted force, sending Ivan's entire body into the air. Ivan was like an efficient infrared radar searching the sky for enemies nearby.

Falling heavily to the ground: "Go to the house and pay attention for a while!" Ivan didn't find anything wrong.

Although the entire escort team was very nervous, it seemed that the void had no intention of invading the town, and the night was passed peacefully.

Mayor Gard came over to visit the entire escort team at dawn. He was also on tenterhooks last night and didn't fall asleep until late at night.

"The most difficult time has passed. As an outsider, I can make so many contributions to Bell Town. On behalf of the townspeople, I sincerely wish you and Shelley!" Mayor Gard thanked Ivan from the bottom of his heart. Helping hand.

"It's not the time to thank you yet, the most important thing is to get everyone to Macaire safely!" Ivan yawned. Although he didn't feel trapped, Ivan still retained some of the habits of ordinary people.

"You have to hold on for one more day, and it will take a long time to calculate the transmission time!" Gad said with a smile: "When you get to Macaire, you can sleep for as many days as you want!"

Several people went to the restaurant to have breakfast together. The order had been notified and everyone was about to teleport into groups. Giles was responsible for maintaining the operation of the teleportation gate, Gard was in charge of grouping the residents, and Alvin was responsible for maintaining stability.

The azure portal in the new teleportation hall fluctuates with arcane energy, which is completely different from the previous evil portal.

"It's time to start!" This time Giles brought a crystal staff that was helpful for casting spells, and the mage's robes rustled in the fluctuations of energy.

"Group 1! Prepare to teleport!" Mayor Gard shouted with a crystal loudspeaker.

Carrying the necessary supplies, a group of people dragged their families up the steps of the teleportation gate. Many people used teleportation spells for the first time in their lives and lingered in front of the blue light curtain.

"Don't be nervous, everyone! Close your eyes and go through this door. If you open them again, you will see Macaire!" Mayor Gard comforted him: "Clive, you take the first group of people and go there first!"

After tying up his belongings, Clive strode through the portal and disappeared into the air: "Look, the entire array is running very stably!" Mayor Gard said.

No one hesitated anymore, and soon groups of people disappeared into the light curtain.

Ivan led a team of people to stand guard outside the town. He finally looked at Lake Bell in front of him.

The lake was still as calm as the first time I saw it, with a slight breeze blowing and causing ripples. There should have been many boats floating on it at this time.

"It's time to go, Ivan!" Mayor Gard slowly walked to Ivan's side: "All the villagers have been teleported out, and only a few of us are left."

"Have the business groups of Shelley and Captain Wallen also left?" Ivan asked.

"They were assigned to the second group and have already left!"

"Then let's go! I, a countryman, have never seen the prosperity of Macaire!" Ivan said with a smile.

The whole town was empty, and in the teleportation hall: "Giles, it's time to go!" Alvin reminded.

"Wait a moment, I have to set up a timer to shut down the spell." Giles weaved arcane magic in the air.

"Okay!" Giles jumped off the stage and walked quickly to the portal, where Alvin and the others had been waiting for a long time.

"Let's get out of here!" Mayor Gad sighed: "I thought I could retire here..."

After passing through this thin portal, Dawn Village and Bell Town can never come back.

The remaining people passed through the light curtain one after another, and only Alvin and Giles were left in the empty hall.

"You go first Giles, I'll be back later!" Ivan said with a smile, he was worried that he would directly squeeze through the portal.

"I'll wait for you opposite!" Giles walked in without hesitation.

Seeing Giles' back disappearing into the air, Alvin breathed out: "Huh... I wonder if this portal can send me to Macaire safely..."

Ivan passed through the light curtain, and the strange force field distorted and restored his body, while the stable arcane light of the portal in the hall on the other side suddenly became chaotic. After a period of difficult support, the portal finally could not maintain its strength. Stable, collapsed with a bang: The energy level of the teleportation unit is too high!

"F*ck!!" Ivan thought that since the portal could teleport Magtheridon, it would be no problem to teleport him. Unexpectedly, he overestimated the stability of the teleport!

The stable space tunnel suddenly threw him into the twisted void, just like the last time he was teleported from Macarei to Bell Town. He had to tear a space rift from the twisted void and get out!

Giles arrived at Macaire safely, and what he saw was a piece of yellow and green grassland. This is a piece of grassland east of Oronar! In the distance, a large group of people are gathering together, they are residents of the Bell Town area!