Great escape

The stars are shining brightly on Argus tonight.

Under the night, a behemoth lay motionless in an open space. It was the battleship that Ivan obtained from Kil'jaeden. It didn't feel that big when it was in the sky, but when it fell to the ground, even if it had seen a lot. Guang's Viren also lamented this.

"Hurry up! Get on the ship as quickly as possible!" Maraad led the patrol to maintain the order of boarding the ship. Because most of the people are civilians, the evil energy transmitter on the battleship cannot be used at all, and several ramps can only be placed on both sides of the ship.

Ivan had an entire legion from the original battleship stationed nearby to prevent Velen from escaping. He also asked Garathum to go to Kil'jaeden in advance to inform Kil'jaeden of the threat from the void. All these measures were taken to prevent Velen from escaping. Lun's evacuation provides maximum time, in short: drag!

It took most of the night before everyone was finally settled on the ship.

"It's time for you to get on board with that glowing jigsaw puzzle!" Ivan said while looking at Viren who was still meditating in the hall.

"Is this the fate of the Eredar people?" Velen didn't know whether he was talking to Ivan or to himself.

"The void and evil energy are eyeing this planet, you have no choice but to predict." Ivan sighed and said: "Actually, I just want a quiet place to live with Shelley, but fate sometimes It makes me helpless... The evil energy is tempting me to fall all the time. I don't know when I will completely turn into a demon who only knows how to kill. Maybe I will never, maybe I will tomorrow. "

"Is this why you don't like to turn into a demon form?" Viren slowly stood up and looked at Ivan: "If you can, you can always maintain the demon body."

"Becoming an ordinary person can make me feel like a normal person." Ivan took off his helmet: "I hope you can protect my beloved, no matter what difficulties you encounter."

"So do you know what kind of danger we will encounter in the future?" Viren looked at Ivan with eyes full of wisdom. This young man has always been like a mystery.

Ivan was silent for a while, and finally decided to tell Viren some news about the future: "If you find a habitable planet, then be careful of the local indigenous people."

Viren kept what Ivan said in mind: "Actually, you can leave with us!"

Ivan smiled bitterly: "If I hadn't accepted the evil infusion now, then I would be happy to go with you, but now I can only watch you leave. Being with you will only hinder the escape of the spacecraft..."

"Let's go! We're not here to chat today. Let's talk when we meet again in the future!" Ivan walked out first, with the Dawn Blade behind him reflecting light slightly.

In the open space, Maraad was sending Lula to the deck of the battleship with his companions. Although Lula had shrunk his body as much as possible, the evil battleship still made a crunching sound. It is caused by the collision of two completely different energies, holy light and evil energy.

"Prophet, your family..." Maraad hesitated.

Velen's eyes were closed tightly, and Ivan saw his hand holding the staff trembling slightly: "Sometimes, we have to learn to give up!"

He opened his eyes and sighed deeply: "Mr. Irvine, let this ship sail!"

Under the control of the trembling Morge, the warship filled with eredar people slowly rose into the air and left in the predetermined direction.

In a separate small room, Shelley was lying in Alvin's arms.

"I thought the next meeting would take a long time, but now it seems I have to give you a ride again." Ivan said, stroking Shelley's long pale golden hair.

"Where are we going? Ivan." Shelley raised his head and asked, putting his small horn on Ivan's shoulder.

"Go on a distant journey." Ivan said softly: "A golden spaceship will come to pick you up, and then leave Argus forever."

"What about you?! Aren't you leaving with me?" Shelley asked with a frown.

"Haha, I will also leave Argus, but I may have to take the next spaceship..."

The long hair gently hit Alvin's face as Shelley turned back, and the latter suddenly felt the tight body on his legs teasing his soul.

He opened the map and observed: "It will take a while before Oronar. Maybe we should do something meaningful..." Ivan's eyes burst out with a ray of evil energy that directly locked the metal door lock. Melt, so that no one will disturb the two of them.

The severely overloaded spaceship could only fly at a very slow speed. The morning sun once again fell on the bridge, and below it was Oronar, which had long been swallowed by the void.

When Ivan came to the bow of the ship again, Viren had been standing there waiting for a long time.

"I never thought that Oronar would become like this one day!" Velen said while looking at the flying ruins below.

"So, does the prophet have any good way to seal the rift? We first have to prevent the void here from spreading further." Ivan worked hard all night, and now he is too lazy to listen to Velen's sighs. He just wants to solve it quickly. Here's the problem.

The prophet looked at the squirming monster below: "I need you to create some time for me."

"Just tell me what to do!"

"Clear all the void creatures in the surrounding area," Velen said.

"This is simple. No monster can touch you, I promise!" Ivan held the Dawn Blade on his back in his hand, showing off his sharp edge.

The entire sealing task took them a whole morning, and the strong fluctuations of holy light could be clearly seen even several kilometers away.

The original void rift was sealed by a golden rune. This was the result of Velen's efforts all morning.

"This seal is only temporary. As time goes by, the power of the sealing runes will slowly diminish." Velen, who returned to the deck, said to Ivan beside him, whose dark green armor had been covered with purple. Stained with blood, Ivan said it very simply. In fact, he fought with the Void Army non-stop all morning.

"You said temporarily, how long do you mean?" Ivan has developed great distrust of the so-called seal.

"Probably about ten thousand years."

"Okay! I believe in the power of the prophet." Ivan didn't plan to stay in Argus for long. He had only one goal.

"I have fulfilled my promise, and now it's time to send us away." Viren said: "Go to the southeast of Oronar, the support of the Holy Light is there."

"I have always been a trustworthy person." Ivan said looking at Maraad who was holding the war hammer.

In a place later known as the End of the Triumvirate, Ivan slowly lowered the battleship to the ground. The Naaru battleship suspended in the sky was constantly emitting holy light, like a miracle.