Spellcaster Alvin

"Let's go and notify Alvin now!" the Eredar twins replied immediately after hearing Archimonde's words.

"Master Dean, according to my recent investigation, 80% of the area in Argus has shown traces of void infection. It is almost impossible to completely eliminate the threat of void." Galasum and other Eredar twins left the hall, He lowered his head and said to Archimonde.

"This is exactly what I need. If he can't cleanse the void pollution of Argus, then he can stay here forever! It makes me very happy to see Kil'jaeden gritting his teeth..." Archimonde smiled deeply With.

On the road to the Mystic Academy, Saloras and Olaisesi were walking side by side: "Lord Archimonde's request is simply impossible to achieve!" Olaisesi said first.

"In fact, no one knows the severity of Argus's corrosion by the void better than the dean." Saloras smiled faintly: "We only need to convey the news to Aiwen, and there is no need to worry about other things. "

In the room, Ivan was sitting on a chair wiping his war blade. This war blade had been placed randomly after he fell into coma, and a light layer of dust had fallen on it.

The cloth gently wiped the curved blade, and the dust was slowly wiped away. The originally dull Dawn Blade became golden again. There were footsteps outside the house, and Alvin recognized the voices of the Eredar twins.

"What did Archimonde say to you?" Ivan asked in advance as soon as the twin sisters walked to the door.

"The dean agreed to your request, but at the same time, he also made a request for you..." Oreses stopped talking, and Saloras on the side added: "You must solve the entire problem. Only then can the void threat of Argus leave."

Ivan was silent for a while. From Oronar, he had learned how serious the erosion of the void was in Argus, but he had offended Kil'jaeden. If he did not agree to Archimonde's request, then the entire There is no place for him in Argus!

"I agree to Lord Archimonde's request, and will do my best to eliminate the threat of the void in Argus!" After thinking about it, Ivan finally agreed, but at the same time he added: "But I need to mobilize personnel Corresponding authority with materials."

"I hope you can complete this arduous task!" Saloras raised her lips and said with a smile: "Lord Archimonde's appointment will be announced soon, and then you will know what you can do."

"Olaise and I are looking forward to what measures you will take to solve this problem. Let me tell you in advance that during your coma, the invasion of the void has spread to most parts of the planet."

"This was within my expectation!" Ivan said with a soft smile: "I can smell the rotten smell of void in this room!"

Sunlight shone into the room from the crystal window and fell on Alvin's body. For a while, both parties stopped talking. The twin sisters looked at the man sitting quietly on the bed.

His eyes were covered with a delicate but very old eyepatch. Green light shone through the cloth. His hair, which had not been taken care of for a long time, had become very long. It was randomly bound by a rough cloth strip and he was playing with it in his hands. The war blade flashed golden light from time to time. From the battle in Dawn Village to Macaire, Aiwen's temperament also changed from the original immature to calm and vicissitudes of life.

"If you need anything, please let me know. There is still room for us two sisters to play in the Secret Academy!" Saloras and Saloras looked at each other and said with a smile.

For the twin sisters, it is a very wonderful feeling to watch an ordinary person who has no connection with the Holy Light and Arcana transform into a powerful warrior who controls chaotic evil energy. As the first batch of Ai to receive the infusion of evil energy, Reda people have a very deep understanding of this: injecting evil energy into one's body is already quite painful, and every time this energy is used, it will also continue to burn one's soul. Many Reda people He committed suicide because he couldn't bear the pain.

"I will do it if necessary!" Ivan stood up and carried the war blade behind his back: "I have been here for so long but have been staying in the room. Shouldn't you take me to visit the Mystery Academy today?"

"I'm happy to serve you, Mr. Alvin!" Salolas said with a chuckle.

As the mage academy of the entire Argus, the Arcane Academy is full of traces of magic. Precious arcane familiars swim freely. From time to time, there are light blue mice on the ground chasing arcane particles in the air. There are constant traffic on the roadside. Rotating energy conductors, Eredar mages created a highly developed arcane civilization, but now these mages have given up on the results of their hard research and turned to the embrace of evil energy.

The three people wandered around the academy, and Ivan stopped in front of a huge square.

"This used to be a place for apprentices to practice. No one comes here anymore, but the scenery is quite beautiful, isn't it?" Oreses said slowly, recalling the scenery here.

The three people strolled into the square. The fountain in the center had stopped spraying water, and the pool was covered with weeds.

"Alesses and Saloras, who are you with? A stupid warrior?!" A sharp voice came from the sky, and a red figure fell to the ground: "Non-spellcasters cannot enter the arcana. Palace, you two know the rules here."

"Come with me! You will be punished!!"

Watcher Ibida is a magic swordsman trained by the Secret Academy. After being infused with evil energy, her twisted spirit makes her willing to teach anyone who makes a mistake a fatal lesson.

"In fact, it was Lord Archimonde who brought him in." Saloras tried to explain to Ibida, but the latter did not intend to give her a chance. He flapped his wings and flew into the air again: "Do it You should accept punishment when you do something wrong, you should have learned this in the first lesson!"

Attaching purple magic energy to her swords, Ibida rushed directly towards the Ereda twins. In her opinion, after solving these two women, the remaining thin blind man was not afraid.

Taking advantage of the momentum of her descent, Ibida raised her magic sword and slashed directly at Saloras. She wanted to completely destroy this graceful body!

A metal collision resounded throughout the square, and a pair of golden war blades firmly blocked Ibida's magic sword: "Actually, I still know some magic!"

A dark green eye ridge shot out from Ai Wen's eyes!

Bang... Ibida's heavy body fell to the ground, a big hole was penetrated by evil energy in her chest, and she lost the breath of life.

"According to your spell caster's standards, does the eye rim I just cast belong to a spell?" Ivan did not look at Ibida on the ground anymore, but turned back to ask Oreses, who nodded slowly.

"That's right, she wrongly blamed us and must be punished." Ivan put the war blade behind his back again.

Oreses and Salolas knew that Aiwen might be very strong, but the two sisters did not expect that Ibida, who gave most of the spellcasters in the academy a headache, would be killed by him in one blow.