King of Fighters

Ivan was very lucky. He didn't fall into the sea. There was much more darkness in the abyss than on land!

Traveling in the twisted void for a long time made him very uncomfortable when he suddenly entered Azeroth. He spiraled and flew towards the ground. However, with countless years of experience in the void, Ivan finally landed safely. On the ground, the cost was that the flowers and plants near the landing point were smashed to pieces by the shock wave.

Feeling the earthy smell on the ground, Alvin fell into a deep sleep. He had not rested for a long time.

And deep in the distant lair of Tanaris, a giant dragon wrapped in golden sand slowly opened his eyes, and the snake-shaped pupils continued to show the fluctuations of magic. Behind him was a A huge hourglass, time goes back and forth but the hourglass never stops.

Nozdormu, the guardian of time and the leader of the Bronze Dragon Legion, woke up again after sleeping for countless epochs: "The timeline has fluctuated!?"

A low roar spread through all corners of the cave. This is the Cave of Time, where the Bronze Dragon Legion manages all timelines of Azeroth.

The golden portal suddenly appeared in front of Nozdormu, and then a young figure emerged from it. Her face was round, her two pony tails kept swinging with her movements, and her big eyes were filled with light. She looked like Like a large doll: This is a "dwarf."

"Chromie, just now, the time line was disturbed by a force and became chaotic. You have to find the source!" Nozdormu said to the doll in front of him with his eyes tightly closed.

In fact, this petite dwarf is not as simple as she looks on the surface. She is actually an adult bronze dragon. Most female dragons like to disguise themselves as elves or humans, and Chromie His hobbies are rather strange.

"As you command! Lord Nozdormu!" Chromie's crisp voice echoed in the hall. The time magic in his hand moved, and a golden portal appeared again.

A whisper came from the empty cave again: "It's really messy."


Dave is an employee at Alex Farm here. He was walking on the country road as usual today, struggling for bread for his family.

As a hired worker, Dave also has some knowledge of herbal medicine. He knows what Ningshen flower looks like. This herb can be exchanged for a lot of copper coins from the Master, enough to buy a piece of clothing for the children at home.

Yesterday he found an immature Ningshen flower in the grass. Today he traveled a long way to pick it, and excitement filled his chest.

Passing through the dense weeds, he was surprised by the scene in front of him: the original green and lush grass had disappeared, and a sleeping man lay on the messy ground. His body was naked, with strange dark green shapes carved on it. Tattoo, and beside him is a pair of strange-looking weapons.

Dave's excitement suddenly turned heavy: he had promised his daughter a new dress this morning, and this stranger ruined his herbal medicine.

"Maybe he just escaped from the jackal's lair." Dave looked at the scars on the man on the ground and said to himself: "What a pitiful ghost."

Slowly approaching him, Dave gently shook Alvin: "Stranger, it's time for you to wake up!"

In fact, when Dave was still a long way away from Alvin, Alvin had already noticed his arrival.

Under Dave's shaking, Alvin also sat up with his eyes closed: "Good Samaritan, can you give me a piece of cloth? My eyes are injured." The demon hunter did not want to show his eyes burning with evil fire. Under the influence of the Sagrit Keystone, Ivan has learned the language that belongs here.

"Of course!" Dave tore a strip of linen cloth originally intended to be used to wrap the Ningshen Flower in his bag and gave it to Alvin, who covered his eyes.

"So. You just escaped from the Jackal's lair, right? It's not easy to come out alive without seeing it!" Dave said.

The latter did not directly answer the employee's question, but stood up and said with a smile: "I came from a very far away place, but I lost my way. Can you tell me what the name of this place is?"

"This is Alex Farm in the Western Wilds. Are you not a local? But your words are exactly what we said. The nobles of Stormwind City will not have such earthy taste!" Although Dave is just a farmer, he is a laborer. People naturally have their own unique wisdom, right? He was sure that Alvin was also from a town in the western wilderness.

Alvin smiled and said no more. He felt that something was trying to surround the two people.

"Are these the jackals you just mentioned?" Ivan stood up and pointed at an ugly head exposed in the grass.

"Holy light! We can't leave today!!" Dave's face turned pale. He knew what would happen if he was caught by the jackals, these disgusting creatures.