Enlist in the army

The Pig and Whistle Inn has always been a place with the most complicated people in Stormwind City. Whether they are warriors licking blood from their blades or thieves who are accustomed to hiding in the shadows, even noble mage masters will appear here.

As usual, the waitress in the store was casually chatting about dirty jokes with the guests. From time to time, a generous person would stuff a few copper coins into her plump chest, causing the guests to laugh.

This is the news dissemination node for the entire Stormwind City. Everyone who comes here has their own purpose, and they are eager for an opportunity to prosper.

Ivan was sitting quietly in the corner of the hotel alone. He was listening to valuable news here, and a blind man who was blindfolded would naturally not attract the attention of others. As for the two weapons behind his back - come here Who doesn't have any secrets?

"Do you know what happened over there in the Black Swamp?" Someone finally asked what Ivan was concerned about.

The guests in the tavern slowly became quiet. It was obvious that everyone was very interested in this matter that had alarmed King Ryan.

A guest sitting in the middle finally broke the calm: "Black swamp? According to the scout report that came back, it seems to be a group of wild beasts coming from the other side of the continent."

Ivan looked up at the man who made the noise. He had short, smart hair and wore a robe with simple patterns but high quality. It was obvious that this man was an informant.

"Beasts? Come on! Those are clearly beast-like people!" Another diner spoke, and he retorted directly: "My cousin just returned from the Black Swamp after completing his mission yesterday. He said that it was a group of attacks* *Intense alien species!"

The information shared by the two people quickly caused the whole tavern to fall into a commotion again, and these people were all thinking about whether they could make a fortune from it.

Ivan has obtained the information he wants: the orcs have begun to invade Azeroth, which means that he can use the dark portal opened by Medivh to go to Draenor: find Shelley and bring her back to Azeroth Lars.

Alvin, who was unfamiliar but familiar with this place, naturally couldn't just go to the Dark Swamp alone, but he already knew how to get there as quickly as possible.

At the gate of Stormwind City, a large group of people gathered there. King Ryan once again issued an order to mobilize people to establish a stronghold in the Black Swamp, and these people planned to follow the team as mercenaries.

The recruitment officer at the table kept writing letters of appointment. Anyone who signed up was allowed to participate in this operation. If they could come back alive, the financial officer would allocate a considerable amount of money to everyone. This was a sure profit. It's a losing business, because only a few people can come back safely every time, but the high rewards still make these people choose to give it a try.

"Listen to me, young man, you can't see anything in your eyes. If you go to the swamp, you are seeking death! Go back, life is better than death." The bald official said to Ivan.

"Actually, my eyes will be healed before I leave. You don't need to worry about me!" Ivan said with a smile.

"Okay! Then I wish you good luck!" With a snap, a blue seal was stamped on the paper: "You must keep this document. If you can come back alive, you can get it with it. A sum of money. Remember to meet here tomorrow morning, don't wait until late!"

Looking at Ivan's retreating back, the recruiting officer shook his head: "Next..."

Early the next morning, Ivan came to the gate on time. The official from yesterday was already waiting there. Behind him were three large boxes, containing armor, weapons and clothing. He was lining up as a sign. Get your own equipment.

"That man in front of you, are you here to join the army too?" A guard wearing plate armor looked at Ivan and shouted.

"Yes, this is my document." Ivan handed the certificate he got yesterday to the guard.

"Now go there and line up to get your equipment." The guard glanced at Ivan's paperwork and then said.

Instead of asking for armor, Ivan just took a long sword and a set of clothes, and waved the long sword in his hand vigorously. Although it was not comparable to the craftsmanship of the Eredar people, it could still be used.

Under the command of the guards, these temporarily forewarned people were divided into four squads and set off with the last cavalry.

They planned to travel from Stormwind City through Elwynn Forest to the Redridge Mountains, and then through the Redridge Mountains to their final destination, the Dark Marsh, which was a very long journey.

Ivan followed the team all the way like an ordinary soldier. It took them several days to pass through an entire forest. After replenishing food and water at the East Valley Lumber Camp, they finally entered the Redridge Mountains the next day.

Under the red hillside is a huge lake called Zhishui Lake, and Aiwen and the others' destination is the small town by the lake: Lakeside Town.

Obviously the Redridge Mountains area is not as safe as Elwynn Forest. On the way, Alvin and the others were attacked by jackals, wild boars and even giant eagles flying in the sky. You must know that in Elwynn Forest, such a large group of teams walked in Even the highly intelligent fishmen did not dare to step forward on the road.

Although they encountered many attacks, the ones sent by King Ryan were obviously good players. Most of the attackers were eliminated by the cavalry in one charge. Only a few unlucky ones were caught by the eagles in the sky. Now they and Ivan You still have to wear a blindfold.

When a large part of an area is occupied by lakes, the weather can also become very unpredictable: it can still be cloudless during the day, but by evening dark clouds have covered the sky and rain is coming.

The leading captain rode on his horse and opened the sheepskin map and looked at it: "Soldiers, we have to speed up. Lakeside Town is not far from here. There are warm beds, delicious food and unlimited wine there!"

The captain's words cheered up the tired team. Although it was time to rest, everyone was willing to sleep on a clean bed.

A few bolts of lightning struck down, and soon the rain began to moisten the land. Like everyone else, Ivan walked in the middle of the team on the muddy road with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

"Pay attention to your feet. The soil here is very slippery. All knights dismount and move forward!" The captain walked at the front and shouted to remind his soldiers that he was indeed a competent officer and at least treat Ivan kindly on the road.

The dense rain screen blocked his sight, but Alvin was not affected at all. On the other side of the lake under his vision was a small town with bright lights: they were indeed almost there.

"Be careful! Don't fall into the lake. The teeth of the fish below are as sharp as wolves!" The captain first went to the bridge to organize the team to cross the bridge.

"Hey! That kid with the eyepatch! Cross the bridge quickly, don't just stand still!" The captain couldn't help shouting when he saw Alvin standing there.

"Captain, I seem to hear some sounds, we may have to cheer up!" Ivan said with a smile.

Under the scan of the evil eye, Aiwen clearly saw several sneaky figures on the hillside opposite.