Karazhan 1

Just as Aegwynn and Tarecgosa were chatting happily, Aegwynn also sat on the back of Akannagos and flew towards the mountain.

"After the battle in Northrend, I felt that the Burning Legion would not give up its invasion of Azeroth so easily." Akanagos' heavy body walked through the snow.

"Although those green-skinned monsters have evil energy flowing in their blood, they are not afraid of their strength. What I am most worried about is Medivh... Once the power of the guardians is used by the Burning Legion, there will be a war A huge disaster," Aegwynn said with a frown.

"These are just your conjectures. We have to investigate carefully to understand what the real situation is." The dragon comforted his friend on his back. He had never seen Aegwynn so panicked.

"Thank you again for helping me, Arcanagos!" Aegwynn looked down and said, "Turn to the right. The person you are interested in is down there."

"Well... I have already felt the powerful and evil aura down there. Wait, how many people did you bring?" Akannagos asked strangely.

"There's only one person, what's wrong with Archanagos?" Aegwynn said.

"I also discovered another familiar aura... Just go down and take a look and you'll know it all!" Akannagos opened his huge wings and flew downwards.

Ivan on the ground was chatting with Terecosa about the six-legged crocodile in the black swamp, but found that the snow in the sky suddenly fell very heavily: "Has the weather in Cordala always been so changeable?" Ivan asked.

Tarecosa also looked up at the sky, revealing a large area of pink and white on her chest: "It seems that other blue dragons have come over. The sudden increase in snowflakes is the result of the constant flapping of wings."

A long dragon roar came from the sky, and then the huge dragon body landed on the ground. The body of the blue dragon Arcanagos was one section larger than Terecosa.

"Talegosa, why are you here?!" Akannagos asked: "You should learn from Kalecgos, he won't run around like you."

"I have grown up, and I have to have my own things to do." Terecosa said: "I have decided to explore Azeroth with Ivan!" Holding Ivan's hand, the blue dragon girl looked at I've been depressed for a long time.

"You don't have the strength to go out alone now. There are many dark places in Azeroth, which you can't deal with." Akannagos said in a deep voice. For him, although he has experienced He has fought countless battles, but he still dare not say that he can wander outside safely, let alone an inexperienced dragon like Tarecgosa!

"Don't make me say it a second time!" Akannagos growled again.

Another tear fell on Ivan's hand. Tarecgosa pushed Ivan away and transformed into a dragon again and flew towards Cordala.

"Are you blue dragons so tough in educating your descendants?" Ivan raised his eyebrows and said to Akannagos in the air. He was chatting happily with the girl!

"It's not the time to discuss these issues yet. We have to go to Karazhan quickly to find Medivh." Akannagos said: "As for you, although you possess the power of demons, you do not have the same power as Aegwin said. The devil is so violent."

Terrifying arcane energy surges around the dragons, and they are born to control magic.

A huge portal appeared on the snow, and Arcanagos rushed in first. Then the two people disappeared into the snow one after another. The portal then slowly disappeared, leaving only the dissipated magic power in the air. in flow.

Suddenly, the slowly falling snowflakes started flying again, and a giant dragon descended on the ground. It was Terecosa, and she was back!

Tarecgosa, who turned into a human form, stayed on the snow for a while, and finally determined the end point of the portal: "Sunshine Forest? Isn't that the domain of the green dragons? Why did Akanagos go there?"

Another portal opened, and Tarecgosa walked in: "I want to see what important things Akannagos did!"

Akannagos's portal was quite stable, and it safely sent Alvin and the others to their destination, which was a sunny forest with birds singing and flowers fragrant.

"The space near Karazhan is too chaotic, we can only go to Sunshine Forest first and then go there." Akannagos growled and said: "Get on my back, we can reach our destination before dark! "

Alvin jumped on Akanagos's back and sat down: The adult male dragon's back is very broad, and Alvin always feels like he is about to fall off when sitting on it, and at the same time, Akanagos's muscles are so hard. Tight, overall: Arcanagos doesn't feel as comfortable to ride as Tarecgosa!

Archanagoth cast a fade spell on himself so that he wouldn't cause too much panic as he flew over human settlements.

In the evening, Aiwen, who was sitting on the back of the dragon, finally saw a tower towering into the clouds: Karazhan. He was no stranger to this place where three mounts fell, but when he really saw this mage tower, Aiwen Wen still felt his heart racing.

Taking off the linen blindfold on his face, the evil fire in Ivan's eyes burned fiercely as he tried to observe the situation in Karazhan.

Under the gaze of the evil eye, Karazhan, which appears to be just an ordinary tower, is surrounded by various spatial rifts, and chaotic energy tides beat against the surrounding walls like waves in the sea. .

"We have to land on the ground!" Ivan said hurriedly patting Akannagos on the back.

"Karazhan was built by me, and traffic can continue here." Aegwynn disagreed with him.

Seeing that he was about to hit the crack in front, Ivan came up with a way in desperation: "You only need to throw an ice arrow over to know if it is true! Hurry!!"

Seeing his excitement, Aegwynn could only throw an ice arrow into the air. After contacting the crack in space, the solid ice was shattered into tiny ice crystals by the crack in an instant!

"Hurry up and descend Akanragos!!!" Aegwynn shouted, and the latter also saw what happened to the ice arrow. Akanagos dived and fell to the ground.

"You are no longer a guardian. In the following time, please don't make such small mistakes, low-level mistakes!" Ivan pointed at the female mage and taught him a lesson.

Aegwynn did not deny his mistake, and Ivan said nothing after a lesson. Akanagos turned into a human form, and the three of them came down the hillside and walked towards the gate of Karazhan.

"Look over there!" Looking along Aegwynn's hand, many people were walking towards the other fork in the road. Judging from their services, they seemed to be nobles from the Kingdom of Stormwind.