Karazhan 3 (Finale)

"So, has Medivh really fallen into darkness?!" Akannagos whispered.

"Ms. Aegwynn's expression said everything...and she is Medivh's mother. Every mother knows her son very well." Ivan said calmly: "The number of blue dragons is getting scarce. If you sacrifice here Then Malygos should be very sad!"

Akannagos was silent for a while, and Ivan could tell from his expression that he was considering the gains and losses, and finally said: "I have promised Aegwynn, and if Medivh has really fallen completely, then as a blue dragon As a member of the Legion, I must stop his destructive actions... As you said, dying in Karazhan may be my fate."

Ai Wen stopped talking. He looked up at the tower, thinking about something in his heart.

In the banquet hall of Karazhan, Moros is hosting the banquet: "Ladies and gentlemen, please allow me to replace the owner of this tower: Mr. Medivh apologizes. His mother has just arrived, so he may need to wait a moment. It will take a while to meet you all."

"I'm glad that Mr. Medivh can be reunited with his mother tonight. This is not rude at all!"

"That's right! No one can morally accuse Mr. Medivh of doing anything wrong!"

The nobles below all expressed their understanding. For them, being able to attend this dinner is a great honor in itself!

"Thank you for your understanding! In accordance with Mr. Medivh's request, I declare tonight's banquet to officially begin!" As soon as Moros finished speaking, countless fireworks composed of magic bloomed in the sky above the banquet hall. Pure arcane magic will not It smells like fireworks made by ugly goblins, and the patterns in the sky are constantly changing as the magical constructs continue to change.

"This is the first time I have the honor to come to Mr. Medivh's banquet. Before I came, I thought maybe it was just an exaggeration, but now I know that everyone's words of praise cannot describe half of the beauty here!" The noble girl wearing a shoulder-length dress had a sparkle in her eyes, and she had become one of Medivh's admirers.

"Beautiful lady, would you like a glass of magic wine? Mr. Moros told me that this glass of wine contains magic stored ten thousand years ago!" The male noble with a meticulous hairstyle invited his target, although Mr. Medivh was out of reach. But the men who can attend this banquet are also attractive enough.

Music, food, wine, opera... all the indoor entertainment activities that Azeroth can think of can be seen here in Medivh. The lively atmosphere made everyone in the hall forget themselves. Under the stimulation of alcohol, there were already several couples When people walked to the corner of the banquet hall, they could faintly hear some strange noises.

This is their last pleasure.

On the top floor of Karazhan, Aegwynn looked at the tower she had built with her own hands, feeling uneasy in her heart: a force that disrupted the balance was flowing in the tower.

"Mother, you are finally here!" Just as Aegwynn was thinking, a voice appeared from behind, and Medivh finally appeared in front of her.

"My son! I need you to answer some questions." Aegwynn tried to calm down his emotions and said in a tactful tone: "The huge space rift in the dark swamp, and the green skins stationed near the rift. Monster...do you know what's going on?"

"They are called orcs. Yes, it was me who built that bridge. This is what must be done to save the world!" Medivh said loudly.

"No! You are leading the enemy to Azeroth. This will be a huge disaster!" Aegwynn spread his hands and said: "There is still a chance to save it. Close the portal and kill all the orcs. Fulfill your duty as a guardian!"

"What I am doing now is what a guardian should do!" Medivh growled: "I have read all the books in this tower, arcane magic, demonology, strategy and power... all I had all the knowledge I could get my hands on, but I was still at a loss! Only when I read through the history of Azeroth did I understand what I should do."

"During the War of the Ancients, various races and powerful creatures united to fight against the unstoppable enemy: the Burning Legion. Dragons, wild gods, elves...all the forces in Azeroth were united and working hard to fight against Legion." Medivh suddenly waved his hand, and an arcane light curtain appeared in mid-air. What appeared was the scene of war between various races: "Look at it now! There are growing gaps between all the groups, and there are constant disputes and wars. It's no longer as united as it was in ancient times!"

"Humans and trolls have often gone to war over trivial matters. The hostility between kingdoms and clans has deepened day by day. The elves have divided into several branches and have no contact with each other. They have completely forgotten how united they were in the past!"

Pulling the light curtain apart, Medivh stared and said: "If the Burning Legion's army comes again, Azeroth will have no chance to fight back. Mother, you know that this will happen sooner or later. matter."

Aegwynn closed her eyes in pain: "So, tell me what have you prepared for this?!"

"Of course!" Medivh said in a deep voice: "Someone must step forward and eliminate all sources of differences: countries, cultures and even kings. Azeroth needs a strong hand to bring order to the chaos, and as a guardian, I Naturally, we should shoulder the heavy responsibility."

"So, you lured those orcs over?" Aegwynn asked.

"In order to complete this great mission, I need an army. These orcs are a race I discovered on a planet called Draenor. They are powerful and warlike. They are a perfect army."

"But you should know that the evil energy lies within them. They are the vanguard of the Burning Legion!" Aegwynn once again persuaded her son: "You will lead the Legion to Azeroth!"

"In fact, I have been observing this race for several years. They have been abandoned by the Burning Legion. Since the Burning Legion can control the orcs so easily, so can I!" Medivh said confidently, his eyes flashing strangely. of light.

Aegwynn finally understood that her son had completely fallen into her own wishful thinking, and no one could make him change his mind!

Holding the Staff of Alunes behind him in his hand: "Since you are so stubborn, I can only fulfill my obligations as a mother!"

A ball of purple arcane energy instantly imprisoned Medivh in place: "I'm sorry, my son, I can't let you destroy this world!"

"Hehehe... I am not your son, little girl." Medivh's voice suddenly became deep and evil.

The arcane confinement circle suddenly broke, and Medivh raised his head. His eyes were filled with flames, and his evil aura was completely different from before.

Although the battle in Northrend many years ago ended with Aegwynn's victory on the surface, in fact, what the Guardians defeated was just a clone created by Sargeras. The soul of the Lord of the Legion took the opportunity to hide during that battle. It entered Aegwynn's body and was transferred into his body with Medivh's birth. From then on, he and Medivh coexisted symbiotically.

"Sargeras!?" Aegwynn looked at his son who had been swallowed by darkness. The aura on his body was exactly the same as that of the big demon he defeated before.

"Your son Medivh will be the key to the world opened by the Burning Legion. This world is about to be destroyed. No one can resist the Legion!" Medivh's body was completely controlled by Sargeras, and Aegwynn finally understood her What pain her arrogance has brought to the world and to her son!

"You monster! I will defeat you here again, even if it costs my son's life!" Aegwynn vowed never to give in to despair. All she felt at this time was anger.

The unfinished battle in Northrend continues again today. Spells full of destructive energy continue to emerge on the rooftop. Even the strong tower cannot withstand the aftermath of the energy. Broken masonry splashes everywhere, and the banquet hall at the bottom of the tower Everyone also felt the taste of doom.

The nobles who were enjoying the banquet a moment ago were now panicking. Women's screams were heard constantly in the hall, mixed with the crisp sound of broken porcelain.

"Quiet!" Moros shouted in the center of the hall. His words seemed to have a magical power, and the fleeing people suddenly became quiet.

"Such vibrations are a very common phenomenon in Karazhan. You should understand that this is one of the most amazing mage towers in Azeroth!" Moros' words appeased everyone.

"Now everyone returns to their seats. I will go upstairs to see Mr. Medivh. He should know what happened." After saying that, Moros left the hall alone.

Walking in the narrow corridor, Moros frowned. He knew that something must have happened. Thinking of this, Karazhan's butler once again quickened his pace and disappeared into the corridor in an instant.

There are already deep pits everywhere on the high platform, and the number is still expanding. The battle between Aegwynn and Sargeras is still fierce. The Dark Titan uses the power of the Guardian to continuously cast dangerous and powerful spells, and with Alunes Aegwynn of the Staff also did not fall behind. The battle between the two legendary mages even tore up the space on the rooftop, and the broken stones floated in mid-air.

"Enough!!!" roared from the soul of Sargeras, and the fluctuating energy caused Aegwynn to be briefly dizzy, and then a shackles of evil energy tightly bound him: "Haha, I caught you, girl Son!" The controlled Medivh smiled cruelly: "What will happen when Medivh wakes up and finds out that he has killed his mother?"

"Don't even think about it! You evil monster!!" Archanagos flew to the rooftop in time under Aegwynn's call, and with a breath of dragon's breath, he broke the evil shackles that imprisoned Aegwynn.

"Let's defeat this demon together!" Arcanagos roared.

"Dragon? It's really ridiculous. You get all your power from the Titans, and you actually want to use their power to deal with me?! Sargeras laughed. In his eyes, Akannagos was just a human being. Just a bigger lizard.

What greeted Sargeras's ridicule was a magical beam full of ice power. However, Akanagos' attack seemed insufficient under Medivh's thick shield.

"How about trying this trick? Medivh created a spell specifically for hunting dragons!"

After Medivh chanted a spell for a short time, the thick evil energy formed a huge evil claw and grabbed Akanargos flying in mid-air!

"No...Arkanagos!!!" Under Aegwynn's gaze, a blazing flame burned within the azure dragon's body, and in an instant the poor blue dragon turned into a skeleton.

Aegwynn, who had lost her best friend, was even more angry. Regardless of her own mana limitations, she frantically demanded Aluneth's arcane energy and attacked Sargeras with the spells she had learned throughout her life.

Aiwen had already entered Karazhan at this time. Before supporting Aegwen, Akanagos told him that there was a control switch inside Karazhan. As long as it was turned on, the defense system in the mage tower could be activated: he wanted to try Change the course of history all at once.

"Damn it! I've walked in this aisle four times already!" Ivan touched the wall beside him, which was engraved with the traces he had left before.

Suddenly his whole body felt cold. Aiwen's body suddenly rolled to the side. He took out the war blade from behind and slashed into the air. With a clang, the golden war blade collided with a dagger, and Moros' figure emerged from the air. Appeared: "Friends, you are prohibited from entering the upper levels of Karazhan without permission."

"You're here just in time! Take me to the console of Karazhan. I have to activate the defense system of this tower!" Ivan quickly explained to Moros what he knew.

"Come with me!" Moros did not question Ivan: "Actually, I have noticed the changes in Medivh a long time ago, but I did not expect that there is such a big darkness in it."

Under the leadership of Moros, Ivan successfully arrived at a remote small room: "Here is the control switch of the entire tower's defense system. As long as it is turned on, the surging arcane magic will kill all invading enemies." ." Moros said confidently.

"No, it's too late..." Ivan has already felt the spell siphon from the Dark Titan.

"Run away!" After Ivan said that, he suddenly disappeared into the air. At the moment of escaping into the shadow, Sargeras still absorbed part of Moros' energy.

The life siphon from the fallen titan not only affected Alvin and Moros, but also hundreds of noble guests in the hall downstairs all became victims of the demon lord's growing power.

When Ivan reappeared, he was already on the high platform. From Medivh's eyes, Ivan saw Sargeras' gaze: "It's a pleasure to see you again - my most perfect creation..."