
Chapter 24

Through ups and downs, you should be with the person you love, for loving someone isn't all about its conveniences.


Refreshing was the word that came out of Berret's mouth once he finished his program. The once boring thought he had about going to the gym was instantly erased in his mind after the gym lady talked to him.

Yes, it felt as though he was inspired and motivated to suddenly improve and become a better person.

"I told you, right? Going to the gym is fun!"

"I'm not gonna lie. Shit was great. Definitely going back."

Thinking that he'd see the lady again tomorrow after being invited by Arthur for another day, Berret excitedly went to the gym at the same time he went yesterday. He timed it perfectly to stumble upon the lady once again and perhaps interact with her while doing their workout.

"There she is!"

Berret was about to approach the lady when a man, built like a tank, walked towards her and started speaking to the lady. They were laughing together, which halted Berret's hurrying feet.

"Oh, I guess I'll just do this with Arthur."

Arthur called for Berret who seemed devastated, his motivation leaving out of his body as he walked back.

"Dude, remember that we go to the gym not for the girls but to improve our physical and emotional stability. Don't let it distract you from achieving your goal!"

"Right... Of course. I made up my mind yesterday. I'm here to be the best version of myself."


Completely exhausted, Berret felt his legs giving out numbness. His program for the day was leg day, which means he ought to hit muscles around his lower half.

"I was enthusiastic about it but after my workout today, I'm rethinking my decisions in life! Leg day is the worst program but it's totally necessary!"

Don't skip leg day, fellow gym goers!

Berret was almost crawling his way out of the gym from the tiredness his legs were feeling. He could not lift any of his legs so Arthur had to let him rest first before leaving the gym. In Berret's time inside the gym, never did the lady approach her. She was completely unapproachable because of the same buffed guy guarding her like a dog.


The run for presidency was put to a close with Aralina winning the position with votes of 80 percent from the student body. It was a one-sided battle for the position, for the students of the university greatly favored the lady. They find her exceptional intellectual approach to the university's problem remarkable and her platform showed immense improvement in the near future.

In the silent and cool room of the library resides and reads the students want peace rather than the noisy environment outside. They were flipping through book pages like a behave kid, silently going through the small letters and words.

"May I sit here?"

People often make the mistake of saying "can" instead of may when asking for permission. Sure you can but what if they don't allow you? Is there anything you can do after that? Learn to use "may" when asking for permission, rather than using "can", which asks if you're capable of doing so.

Wil looked over his shoulders and caught a glimpse of Aralina's slightly flustered expression. He was skeptical whether he should let her sit beside him or just in front of him, but Aralina had already invited herself to the seat.

Aralina pulled an empty chair and sat down beside Wil.

"Oh, hello," whispered Wil in his gentlest tone. "Congratulations on winning the election."

"Haha... I let go of the position. Being a student council president means more work to do and I don't want that. I won't be able to focus on my studies and the hobbies that I love, especially reading books."

"I get what you mean. Workloads will be dumped on you had you taken the position. Sounds like a lot of pain."

"Right? I ain't choosing something that I'm not fully committed to than something I love spending my time with."

Aralina's eyes brightened when she saw Wil reading the book she recommended to him, eager to know his thoughts on the book's premise.

"What chapter are you at now?" She asked, looking like a kid waiting for an answer to her wonderful question.

"Uh, chapter 24... it gets more interesting as I read more of it. I can't get enough of it."

Aralina has a new fictional book of her own on top of the desk in front of her. Her preferred genres of novels are sci-fi, mystery, and thriller. With the mix of everything in one book, Aralina would surely enjoy it.

"I'm glad that you're loving it so far! I knew you'd be totally into it because you kinda remind me of the book's protagonist!"

Wil can't deny the fact that he does have the same personality and world viewpoint as the protagonist of the story, thus oftentimes reminding him of himself and relating to his actions and decisions.

"I don't see any connection with your last remark to me. But it kinda makes sense. Maybe because I'm dumb."

Suddenly, Aralina raised an eyebrow, lightly jerking her head as she disagreed with what Wil had mentioned about himself.

"You're not stupid if you can understand what you're reading right now. And you even understand what I'm saying, which means you possess the ability to comprehend whereas dumb people lack."

One thing that Wil avoids, is serious talks regarding himself. He does not want to talk about himself. That's why he was trying to come up with a distraction that would stop Aralina from talking more about Wil.

"Oh, is that a mosquito bite on your neck?"

"Ah," Aralina flinched, swiftly covering her neck with both of her hands. "It is. I'm sorry for reacting the way I did. It just hurts that I thought you'd touch it."

"Oh, no, no. I won't dare touch anyone, especially you, Ara."
