The Accidental Truth

After they healed up, thanked the medic's help, a dragon came and swept them up. It was the one that they drove in before. While they were playing with the dragon, Amber spotted her crush and stared there as he hid. She screamed, I saw you! Come out Zavier. Please don't hide. He walked out with an embarrassed look; he put his head down and walked towards them and once he reached; he looked up and smiled while scratching the back of his head. Amber fell for his charms and just stood there staring deep into his deep blue eyes and flowing hair that shimmered in the sunlight. They both stood there while Blade paid for the medical expenses and shook Amber and said, Time to go and got on the dragon. She asked him one thing before leaving: Are you... are you a vampire too? Zavier's smile vanished and with a guilty look, he nodded his head. She smiled and said nothing to be guilty for! and chuckled as she got on the dragon and waved goodbye. They left the place while Zavier stood there. After a while he kept a bracelet that he wore near his mouth and whispered, I know where they are Ariana; I mean queen. And through the bracelet, a voice spoke. Good job dear. Good job! Hahaha! And in anger, he took the bracelet and slammed it on the floor and stomped on it hard and wept. Through his tears he whispered, sorry Amber and creepy dude.

Blade and Amber were flying back to her house because her mother was still there and on the way, Blade was talking about how weird her friend Zavier was and the weird accessories he had. While Amber was still caught up in his dreamy eyes and hair, Blade suddenly asked, you do not like him, do you? That caught Amber off guard and, startled, she said, why does it matter?! I can like who I want and turned. Blade, with an upset face, said sorry and the rest of the ride was very silent and after they got off, she pulled him and said, so sorry blade!! I am so sorry! I was just caught off guard, that is all. I should not have said that, and as she went in for a hug but, Blade kissed her on the lips and she quickly came backwards and they stood there silently, Blade broke the ice my asking, your mother is still waiting, should we-, he was cut short my Amber who just kissed him and after a minute or 2 they separated and Blade just smiled at her before walking off. She did not know what she was doing. She has a crush on a high school sweetheart and just kissed a person who she was with and protected her. She was confused. With an unsettled feeling, she followed Blade to her house, where her mother sat with her head down. As they saw each other, all the thoughts that Amber had vanished and they hugged, while Blade stood by the door with a smile on his face.

Amber and her mother spoke for about 1-2 hours, about what exactly happened, and while this was happening, Blade took a lap around the place. While he did that, he noticed a few people looking at him in creepy hoodies and had the same bracelets that Zavier had when he saw him. He quickly realised who they were with the badges on their coats. He did not want to seem suspicious and ended up practicing his magic there and walked back to Amber's house, got both on them, got on the dragon and just as he was about to go, the tail of the dragon got frozen and it screeched in pain and Amber with anger summoned thunder in the land and whispered, there goes my house, while Blade de-frost the tail and the dragon flew from there in pain. After they went far enough, the dragon gave up and fell. Amber said, I have taken medical classes but, I never once got it right but, now it is important. And she took out a few knifes and blades from her pocket and slowly operated on the tail and after a while she managed to actually fix the wound and stitched it correctly. She also mentioned how it would take about 3 days and even more to heal.