Destiny Changes?

Amber and Blade were heading straight for the Palace so that they can end the queen once and for all. On their way, Amber Screamed and fainted. She had a sudden pain in her heart. It was beating extremely fast and she can not breathe. Gradually her eyes closed. She actioned for water, but when Blade gave some water, she pushed it away and took the knife from Blade's pocket and poked Blade in his palm and took the blood. She was a vampire, not a complete one. She was half human. Every distant've red moon, she needs blood to survive. As she slowly got up, she noticed Zavier in the distance. This time she took out her wand and stoke a thunder at him and startled, he walked out and slowly says; you tried to hit me with your power; I thought you like me! And she chuckled and corrected him by saying, liked you, not like. I can't believe you said our location to the queen, even though you know what happened. And he stuttered out, I owe her; I owe her a favor. Amber was really pissed but could not help feeling pitiful for him. She gently asked him, what happened?

He started to speak in a low voice; I was 12 when my parents found out I was a vampire and, unlike your mother, my mother and father kicked me out of the house and I starved for days. Not knowing how to use my power, I stood clueless. That is when your mother came into my life. I was 13 when she took me to Draculana. I stayed with her and using her magic; I came to school every day. I was also a half vampire like you and I had only your mother to support me during the distant've red moon and she loved me like her own and so when she asked for a favour, I could not say no, I could not say that you are my friend and that I care for you because she was my world when I had no one by my side. I am sorry Amber, I am so sorry.

By the time he finished talking, Amber was in tears and hugged him to say it was okay. When she heard something snap, she quickly pushed him away. He whispered sorry and was about to vanish using his power but, Blade, who expected this, jumped and cast a wide range attack and it made Amber fall on her back breaking something. It was a timer for removing the blood from our body, explained Blade. His attack also made Zavier fall with a thud. That is when Blade laughed and said, your power is not teleporting, is it? It is that you vanish from the sight of the people you want to fight but, what you did wrong was that you made yourself believe that Amber was your enemy but, not me. I can still see you while she can't. Amber then whispers, I can see him now too! So he did not teleport! Now you can't consider even her as your enemy. You're pathetic! Blade screams this and rushes forward and fight while Amber tried to find her wand and when she did find it, she noticed that it was shattered into pieces. With all the rage adding up and no wand to control it, Amber struck 1 blow, and Blade and Zavier fell back. Blade was shaking. She whispered, sorry, and went forward and fought Zavier. They both started to suffer, trying to cope with each other's power, but they kept fighting. After a while, they both fell back.

A memory flashed before her eyes. It was when she was in high school and the teacher has changed her seat near Zavier as he kept talking to everyone and she was a nobody. She started talking to him and they slowly became friends. Whenever she used to drink water, he used to make silly jokes and makes her laugh and they constantly used to fight but it was all friendly! whenever she dropped her pen or pencil, he used to kick it back, making it hard for her to pick it up. They laughed and created amazing memories with him and now, now he was an enemy that she has to kill to move on to see her mother.

Amber saw how hurt Blade was and knew she had to take him to the medic soon or else he would be no more. She stood up and all the amazing memories she had with him and now he was on the floor and it was all because of Zavier. She then realized, love is not about the appearance or their popularity, but it was based on whether they would give up their life to protect you. She was about to hit Zavier, but he was, too, a friend. She teared up on how things have changed and there is nothing she could do. She struck Zavier And now was sitting on top of him, was about to kill him, but stopped. She said, you are my friend too, an amazing one. You went through the same thing I did. I can't ever kill you! As she fell backwards, Blade tried to lift her up but was too weak and hence, fainted and after a while, they woke up to notice themselves in a medical hut and Amber's mother was sitting near them drinking tea and when she noticed that Blade, Amber and Zavier was awake, she checked their temperature and helped them to sit up straight and explained that Amber's last strike with the thunder was visible through the teleporter that Blade used to go to Draculana; She jumped in through the teleported because it worried her and she made it right before Amber's head hit the floor. Amber added that, for once, Blade's forgetfulness was useful for all of us and laughed. Blade and Amber hugged Amber's mother and smiled.