One Down

Lucia watched as her father reached to put his hand in front of the open door. A delicate feminine hand came out of the car and gracefully fluttered into his palm. A leg covered by white skirts dotted with diamonds came out of the car. The foot that had diamond-crusted heeled pumps gently stepped on the tared ground.

Her father grasped the hand firmly and the woman in the car put force on it and used it to pull herself out of the car and into the warm rays of the sun. Once out of the car and visible to the crowd behind the barricades, everyone could see how beautiful she looked. They cheered with joy. They were seeing the bride of Prince Alexander John Easton of Vershia. The second son of the king but the first to get married.

Caroline blushed and Lucia smiled. There she was, the blushing bride. Or maybe she was just flushed. Who cared? Caroline looked beautiful.

"Assemble," Princess Danielle said her lips barely moving and Adela smiled at her gratefully.