Better Than Ridicule

Lucia was in the ballroom again. She had a glow on her face. Adela instantly knew when there was a shift. The triumphant look on the Queen and the way Prince Michael stood by Lucia. They were not hiding. She knew they would not be able to do that. She was not the only one looking at them. Prince Michael was keeping a hand on Lucia's waist and the two kept exchanging glances like they were sharing a secret from the rest of the world.

It's happening, she thought to herself, they are getting married.

She saw a group of ladies walk past her, and the looks they gave her told her that her fears were warranted. Those who knew that she had wanted to be Prince Michael's wife would be making fun of her. Years of making a fool of herself were about to catch up with her. She felt a headache begin to pound between her brows.