Worth A Thousand Words

The cars stopped in front of the orphanage and waited as their guard got out of the car. She watched as he stood of Michael's door looking around. His alertness brought a spark of humour to her. They were at an orphanage. The crowd was standing at a respectful distance-thanks to the police barricades. Who did he think would attack them? The little ones beyond that wall?

The man opened the door and Michael stepped out and then offered a hand to Lucia. She took his hand and carefully got out. She felt like she had been sitting in there for hours and was glad for her almost practical heels. They were cute but also good enough for her to balance in without fearing the idea of falling or twisting her ankle.

Michael kept her hand in his and she fell in step as he walked through the gates where a group of excited little children were patiently waiting.

"I see them!" Lucia heard an excited little girl say and she could not help but smile.