The Game of Kings

"Checkmate," Michael said with a satisfied smirk, and she looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"Did you cheat again?" she asked him.

"I did not cheat the other time," he told her with a grin.

"I saw you swipe my pawn!" she accused.

"I sue for slander," he told her, the grin still on his face, "and my defence is I was just fixing the board."

"You were cheating," Lucia countered.

"I am innocent until you prove me guilty," he told her.

"The evidence," Lucia began, but she was cut short by Michael's interruption.

"Your perception," he cut in, "is not evidence of my guilt."

Lucia let out a defeated huff.

"Fine," she said, "another game."

"Are you sure?" Michael asked as he peered at her.

"Certain," Lucia said firmly as she lifted a coin.

"Heads are white," she said as she flicked it and it flew into the air, and then added as she caught it and covered it with her free hand, "tails are black. Pick your side."