Hues of Change

Caroline watched her older sister look up at the building that had been her refuge from their mother for years. She was finally moving away from it to another. She could see the sadness there. She was closing a chapter of her life and opening another. Adela's chest rose and fell as she sighed. Caroline reached over and put a hand on her shoulder. Adela turned her head and looked at her baby sister.

"Take care of this place," she breathed.

With Leroy slowly moving to Rhodes, it was sure that at the end of the year only Caroline would be here to take care of the place. Sure, she might have to employ Lucia to help, but that was only if their youngest sister wanted to and was not overwhelmed by the rest of her life. Caroline was the only Handhoff with the time to be here fully.

So, she smiled and nodded as she delivered the promise, "I will."