Josephine gently reached into the box and picked up the tiara. Everyone moved back so that she could place the tiara on her daughter's head. Caroline had her phone raised with the camera in the air. Josephine placed the crown on Adela's head, and then the pair looked at each other for a bit. Mother to daughter. Queen to soon-to-be queen.
Is she proud of me? the small, needy part of Adela wondered.
But she quickly checked herself. It was no use seeking her mother's approval. She knew that now. She could never be perfect in her eyes. There would always be something lacking.
What a broken bride I make, she thought and then swiftly suppressed the unamused curl of her lips.
Her family was cooing over her.
"Oh," Caroline said, "you look so perfect."
"She looks like a fairy tale," Lucia said with a smile on her face.
"You look lovely, sis," Leroy told her. "The perfect bride. Gustav is lucky to have you."