"What did you say? We're taking a what?" I couldn't believe the audacity of Mommy's request. My gosh, I agreed to have dinner with the Windsor father and son duo, but there was no way I would agree to do what Mommy wanted.

"A family photo. It's for the engagement venue and wedding invitation," she said casually as she browsed through clothes.

"Have you gone mad? Why must we take a family photo?" I exclaimed, unable to contain my disbelief. My raised voice caught Mommy's attention, and she shot me a warning glance.

"Lower your voice. Don't be rude in someone else's store," she scolded me.

"Because you're crossing the line. I didn't even want to go to your family dinner, and now this? A family photo? No, I refuse," I stated firmly, emphasizing my point to Mommy.

"I'll take the blue one," Mommy said to the sales lady, who nodded and left. Then, Mommy turned her attention back to me.

"Don't throw tantrums. They have no effect now. You're not three years old anymore, acting like a child," she admonished me.

"As if taking a family photo will magically make us a better family," I retorted, unable to hold back my frustration. Mommy's gaze hardened at my words.

"Watch your tone, Nionahlie," she warned.

"Besides, you controlled my life when I was three years old too," I continued, feeling a surge of anger.

"All you had to do then was smile. Was that so exhausting?" Mommy countered dismissively.

I couldn't believe her nonchalant attitude. "Fine, I'll go to the family photo. But don't expect me to be happy about it," I stated defiantly before storming out.

"Nionahlie, come back here," Mommy called after me, but I ignored her as I dialed Sheldon's number.

"Where are you?" I asked as soon as he picked up, already feeling some relief at hearing his voice.

He quickly told me his location kaya nagmadali akong pumunta, and I spotted him dressed in his taekwondo gear, looking sweaty and tired. It seemed like he had just finished training.

"Have you heard about our family photo?" Tanong ko agad nang makalapit. Tiningnan niya lang ako at uminom ng tubig. "Well, you're not the only one feeling like shit," I added with a scoff, irritated by the situation.

"What do you want to do about it?" he inquired, starting to remove his taekwondo attire piece by piece.

"Help me break off this damn engagement," I snapped, feeling the weight of frustration bearing down on me.

He paused, glancing at me with those inscrutable eyes of his, clad now only in a stark white robe. "I thought you were perfectly capable of handling that yourself?"

"I would if I could think of a way," I shot back, my patience wearing thin.

"Do you want to date me?"

Gusto kong matawa sa sinabi niya, "Have you gone mad, too?"

With a nonchalant shrug, he opened his locker and began stowing away his belongings. "I can't terminate the engagement, but I can certainly cancel the family photo," he offered, surprising me with his unexpected helpfulness.

I couldn't help but feel a twinge of grudging admiration for him. Maybe, just maybe, there was more to Sheldon than met the eye. Ito na yata ang pinakamagandang narinig ko na sinabi niya sa tanang ng buhay niya.

"Can you really do that?" I asked, intrigued by the possibility.

"Well, I'm not you," he retorted, his lips curling into a smirk. "So yes, I can handle it."

Of course, he had to throw in a snide remark, typical Sheldon. I rolled my eyes, inwardly seething but outwardly maintaining my composure.

"But what's in it for me?" he pressed, reminding me once again of his penchant for self-interest.

"Cancel it first," I replied sharply, refusing to be swayed by his manipulative tactics.

He didn't respond, merely closing his locker with a finality that left me feeling strangely unsettled.

"I guess you're really keen on attending our little family photo," he remarked casually, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes.

I scoffed, masking my discomfort with a dismissive wave of my hand. "Don't get too ahead of yourself, Sheldon," I retorted, determined not to let him get the better of me.

Deep down, though, I couldn't shake the feeling that our impending family photo was just the beginning of something much bigger and far more complicated than I had anticipated. And with Sheldon involved, I knew that navigating through the chaos ahead would be anything but easy. 

"What do you want in return?" I asked, my tone tinged with skepticism.

Sheldon was not one to do favors without expecting something in return. And knowing him, whatever he had in mind was bound to be calculated and self-serving.

He turned to face me, his expression unreadable. "Are you really willing to give me...everything I want?" he queried, his voice carrying a weight of seriousness that caught me off guard.

I paused, taken aback by the intensity of his question. It wasn't like Sheldon to make such bold demands outright. His usual modus operandi involved subtle manipulation and strategic maneuvering. But here he was, laying his cards on the table with a level of transparency that was both surprising and unsettling.

"Are you serious?" I retorted, raising an eyebrow skeptically. "You expect me to just hand over everything you desire on a silver platter?"

His gaze remained steady, unwavering. "I'm asking if you're truly prepared to fulfill my request," he clarified, his tone devoid of its usual arrogance.

I hesitated, grappling with the implications of his words. Giving Sheldon free rein to ask for whatever he wanted was a dangerous proposition. I knew all too well the depths of his cunning and the lengths he would go to get what he desired. But at the same time, I couldn't deny the allure of striking a deal with him, especially if it meant thwarting Mommy's plans for the family photo.

"It depends," I finally replied, choosing my words carefully. "What is it that you want?"

He regarded me with a knowing glint in his eyes, as if he had been anticipating this moment all along. "I'll tell you what I want," he began, his voice laced with a hint of intrigue. "But first, I need your assurance that you're willing to uphold your end of the bargain."

I bristled at his insinuation, but suppressed the urge to lash out. Playing into his hands was the last thing I wanted to do, but if it meant getting what I wanted – namely, the cancellation of the family photo – then perhaps it was a risk worth taking.

"Fine," I conceded begrudgingly, steeling myself for whatever demands he was about to make. "I'll agree to your terms. But know this, Sheldon – I won't be easily swayed."

He regarded me with a smirk, a glint of satisfaction dancing in his eyes. "Trust me, Nionahlie," he said cryptically, "I know exactly what I want."

And with that ominous declaration hanging in the air, I couldn't help but wonder what kind of deal I had just struck with the devil himself.

I went to bed with a sour mood lingering in my thoughts. Who could blame me? The idea of forming a family solely for the sake of business, with the added pressure of having a family photo, felt like a mockery of genuine familial bonds. And to top it off, there was Sheldon, an enigma whose desires remained a mystery to me.

As I tossed and turned in bed, unable to shake off the weight of my discontent, I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of disillusionment. What had become of authenticity and sincerity in a world driven by ulterior motives and superficial appearances?

The notion of assembling a family like pieces of a puzzle, all for the sake of furthering Mommy's business interests, left a bitter taste in my mouth. It was a stark reminder of the cold, transactional nature of the world we lived in, where relationships were often reduced to nothing more than strategic alliances and financial gains.

And then there was Sheldon, a puzzle within himself. His motives were as inscrutable as his demeanor, leaving me to wonder what he truly desired in life. Was it power? Wealth? Recognition? Or perhaps something deeper and more elusive?

As I pondered these questions in the darkness of my room, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease creeping over me. The uncertainty of what lay ahead, both with regards to the forced family dynamics and Sheldon's cryptic intentions, weighed heavily on my mind.

Sleep eluded me as I grappled with these unsettling thoughts, each one gnawing away at my resolve. How was I supposed to navigate through the complexities of this tangled web of deceit and manipulation? And more importantly, how was I supposed to protect myself from getting ensnared in its treacherous embrace?

As the sun peeked through my window, I knew I had to brace myself for what was to come. Dealing with the fake family photo and figuring out what Sheldon wanted wasn't going to be easy. I couldn't let my guard down.

With a deep breath, I pushed away my worries and got ready for the day. In a world full of lies and tricks, you had to be just as good at playing the game. I was determined not to let anyone bring me down. I was going to come out of this mess stronger than ever.

As I walked towards my locker, I spotted Sheldon with his two cronies again. I couldn't help but stop and watch the scene unfold. In front of him stood the nerd, clutching a piece of paper.

"Buddy, why are you so boring?" Sheldon asked him, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Can you please... cancel this?" the nerd pleaded in a low voice.

"How nice do you think I am?" Sheldon chuckled.

"Nagmamakaawa ako," nakayukong sabi ng nerd sa kaniya.

"You punched me and now you want me to cancel this?," He pretended to grimace, clutching his jaw dramatically. "It took me two f*cking weeks to recover."

"I'm sorry, please, cancel this," the nerd said, his hand trembling slightly as he held out the paper to Sheldon.

"I didn't like what you did to me, so I can't forgive you," Sheldon continued, pausing for a moment to think. "But, I think you can make it up to me."

The nerd looked up at him, surprise and uncertainty written all over his face. "P-paano?"

"Get down on your knees in front of me," Sheldon commanded.

I wasn't surprised by his words. My gaze shifted to the nerd, and I could see the shock and hesitation on his face.

"Why? Can't you do it?" Sheldon flicked the paper the nerd was holding. "If that's the case, get the best attorney you can find."

I watched in fascination as the nerd hesitated, clearly torn between pride and desperation. Sheldon's demand was humiliating, but the thought of facing legal consequences seemed even worse.

As I observed the scene unfolding before me, I couldn't help but feel a sense of disdain towards Sheldon and his manipulative ways. He had a knack for exploiting people's vulnerabilities and reducing them to nothing more than pawns in his twisted games.

Kahit na nag-aalinlangan ay unti-unti bumaba ang nerd at lumuhod sa harap ni Sheldon. I could see the satisfaction in Sheldon's face as he watched the nerd kneeling and pleading to cancel the thing that was written on a paper. Narinig ko ang gulat at singhap ng mga nanonood.

Habang pinagmamasdan ang nerd ay bigla kong naalala ang sinabi niya kahapon.

"Dahil kailangan ko ng scholarship."

Wala sana akong balak makialam sa kanila kaso hindi ko matiis ang ginagawa ni Sheldon. Sanay akong ganito siya pero hindi ko alam kung bakit may iba akong nararamdaman habang pinapanood ang nerd na 'yon. Lumapit ako sa kanila at hinablot ang papel na nasa kamay ng nerd.

It was a complaint. Gustong mag-file ni Sheldon ng assault sa mababaw na dahilan.

"What do you want, Niona?" Tanong ni Sheldon. Nakikita ko sa mga mata niya na hindi niya gusto ang makita ako rito at mangialam.

"Let him be," I said with a sigh, pressing the crumpled paper against Sheldon's chest. He took it from me, his eyes never leaving mine. I glanced down at the trembling figure of the nerd, his desperation palpable.

"I feel so sorry for him"

It brought to mind Rinoa's words echoing in my mind like a warning bell, "You're just wasting your time on him."

Turning to Sheldon, I couldn't help but feel a pang of disgust mingled with fascination. "You despise wasting your precious time on people who aren't worth it, don't you?"

A smirk played on Sheldon's lips as he regarded the nerd. "He's my favorite toy," he remarked casually, as if discussing the weather. "So, spending time with him isn't a waste at all. It's entertainment."

Sheldon was a master manipulator, skilled at bending others to his will and discarding them like pawns on a chessboard.

As I watched the scene unfold before me, a sense of unease settled in the pit of my stomach. In Sheldon's world, people were mere playthings to be used and discarded at will. And as much as I hated to admit it, I couldn't help but wonder if I was just another pawn in his game.

Ginawa ko ang lahat para mawala sa isip ni Sheldon ang nerd. Mabuti na lang at may dumating na teacher kaya agad na nagsibalikan sa kani-kanilang mga ginagawa ang mga estudyante sa paligid. Si Sheldon ay binigyan ako ng isang nagbabantang tingin bago umalis kasama sina kent at kenzie.

Nang tuluyan na silang mawala ay bumaba ang tingin ko sa nerd na hanggang ngayon ay nakayuko at nakaluhod pa rin.

"Hey, get up"

"This is none of your business" aniya na ikinagulat ko.

Tinaasan ko siya ng isang kilay kahit hindi niya ako nakikita, "I just helped you and this is what I've got?"

"Salamat sa tulong mo" aniya at nagmamadaling tumayo sabay alis.

I was left speechless when he did that. Wow? Should I say 'Your Welcome'? Hindi makapaniwala akong tumingin sa kaniya na naglalakad papalayo. Akala ko kami lang ang may attitude, hindi ko alam na may isa pala sa D Class ang may lakas ng loob na sagutin ang isang A Class na kagaya ko. And he's just a nerd for pete's sake! Pilit pa ang pagpapasalamat niya.

"Ang kapal ng mukha no'n, pagkatapos ko siyang iligtas kay Sheldon" bulong ko sa sarili.

"She swooped in like some kind of hero..."

Napapikit ako sa inis, "Oh gosh, why am I doing this again?"

Nagdadabog akong naglakad papunta sa room. Halos lahat ng madaraanan ko ay napapatingin sa akin dahil sa ingay ng takong ko, dumagdag pa ang mabibigat kong hakbang. I don't care kung maingayan sila sa heels ko, ang importante sa akin ay mailabas ko ang pagkainis ko.

Pabagsak kong inilapag ang bag sa upuan at umupo. Napahinga ako nang malalim sa frustration na nararamdaman.

"What're you guys looking at?" Nakataas ang kilay kong tanong sa mga kakalse kong nakatingin sa akin. Umiwas naman sila ng tingin at bumalik sa pag-uusap.

Nang mag-uwian ay nagmessage ako sa driver ko dahil hindi pa siya dumarating. Agad naman siyang nagreply na na-traffic siya kaya matatagalan siya at humingi ng tawad. Sinabi ko na lang ay hihintayin ko siya sa waiting shed malapit sa school namin.

I sat down on the waiting shed and leaned back, feeling bored out of my mind. To stave off the monotony, I dug into my bag and retrieved my earphones, plugging them in and queuing up some music. Closing my eyes, I let the music wash over me, seeking solace in its familiar melodies.

I crossed one leg over the other, arms folded across my chest. When I listen to music, I tune out the world around me. I couldn't care less if people were staring at me or what they were thinking. Music was my escape, my sanctuary from the petty dramas and mundane routines of everyday life.

As the beats throbbed in my ears, I allowed myself to drift away, lost in the rhythm and lyrics. It didn't matter that I was sitting alone in a waiting shed, surrounded by strangers. In that moment, all that mattered was the music, and the sense of freedom it brought me.

I had no idea how many minutes I had been waiting in that dingy waiting shed. Thankfully, my driver finally arrived, so I stood up and grabbed my bag. I noticed someone sitting beside me, but I couldn't be bothered to spare them a glance.

Kuya Joberth opened the car door for me, and I slid into the backseat without so much as acknowledging the person next to me earlier. As soon as I settled in, he closed the door and got behind the wheel, ready to whisk me away from that dreary place.

I didn't bother to look at the person beside me in the waiting shed. Why would I waste my time on someone who was probably just another insignificant stranger?

As we drove away, leaving the waiting shed and its occupants far behind, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. In my world, only the people who mattered earned my attention. And whoever that person was sitting beside me in the waiting shed certainly didn't make the cut. 

Tama nga si Kuya Joberth. Hindi agad kami nakarating sa bahay dahil na-stuck kami sa traffic.

"Kuya, bakit traffic?" Tanong ko sa driver.

"May sunog kasi ma'am, malaki-laki kaya maraming bumbero ang dumating."

Tumango ako at tumingin sa labas. Nakita ko ang langit na padilim. Sa tingin ko ay uulan ngayon. Bente minutos ang tinagal namin sa kalsada dahil sa pesteng traffic na 'yan. I want to lay na.