
Of all the people PD Keys could bring up, why a member of KAISER? That group had a gigantic fandom with a mix of wholesome people, trolls, and many others who hated seeing their idols compared to anyone else. 

The director smiled broadly in one corner of the room, which made Drew worry inwardly for the kids. 

Feeling compelled to say something, Drew chuckled and said, "Well, a few days have passed since then, and they are all hard-working and have a grasp of their strengths and weaknesses. I have a strong feeling that the kids would bring us a surprise."

"I hope so," PD Song bobbed his head without moving his line of sight from the huge monitor. Even without saying much, his entire being screamed presence, and people could not help but be mindful of his words and reactions. 

"Greenhouse Inhabitants, please enter and head towards the stage," announced the MC, popular actor Lee Soo-hyuk, who finally revealed himself to the viewers. The handsome man dressed smartly in a white suit stood on the raised platform before the stage. Behind him was the room holding the judges, separated only by a floor-to-ceiling transparent glass wall. 

The trainees, dressed fashionably and handsomely, soon made their way to their initial positions in a formation. They appeared nervous as they could see and recognize the people observing them on the other side. 

The judging phase began the moment they entered, though. Drew wondered if these kids knew of it. He thought being nervous was normal, but being too nervous was not.

The judges grabbed their mics and asked a few questions after exchanging pleasantries. 

Not long after, the music played. 


Sujin hummed an intro in soft falsetto, which earned a nod of approval from the producers. Drew, the only idol in the panel, also smiled to encourage them. 

"Sujin's vocal color and techniques are fantastic." 

Because the beginning was good, expectations from the current audience members began to rise. The dance that accompanied the intro's instrumental part was also good. The Inhabitants were synchronized, and the one leading them, Neo, danced like a pro. 

The first few parts were delivered as they should be, following the guide video and vocals to a tee. A few ad-libs and gestures were there, which the contestants added to make themselves stand out. Still, everything remained in harmony. There was nothing major to criticize. 

However, the chorus soon came. It was like a hurricane that swept away a canvas of beautiful colors, instantly deleting every good point that Sujin, Min, and the others earned for the team. 

Drew sported a frown similar to the others seated in the same room. 

As the one who did their mid-check, Keys reacted worse and yelled out in an annoyed tone, "What the hell? I clearly told them to switch Neo's part!"

"It's like it's the song that changed," another Nova Producer, usually in charge of Nova's girl groups, smiled wryly. 

Imagine. What would be the result when the key suddenly changed midway? This was exactly what happened. It stuck out like a sore thumb. It did not even stand out in a good way.

Neo, who took over the center for the chorus and solo part, was not tone-deaf. But he was off by a few octaves. It would have been at least okay if the original emotion had stayed, but the fourteen-year-old boy failed to express even a hint of it. As a result, it was like he was singing a different song.

Key's expression hardened, and he looked like his day had just been ruined. "This is almost like a copy of their mid-check performance."

"No improvement since then? That's... insane," Mariam, the female producer, was speechless. 

PD Keys furrowed his brows and clarified, "Some actually improved. Hyeon-ju's vocal talent shines the most. Sujin is stable. Min improved, and so did Juwon and Kato. But Neo..."

The mention of the name elicited varying responses. There was barely anything they could comment about the youth's dancing skills. But the vocals... were really disastrous. 

"...At least, the expression is good, I mean, for a fourteen-year-old," Drew attempted to lighten up the tense atmosphere that engulfed the place. 

Due to the strong reaction shown on the judges' faces, some trainees were affected and became too conscious of their parts or lost themselves in worrying about Neo and their average. But in a performance, losing concentration for even a second was fatal. As a result, things began to falter. 

The smiles never returned on the faces of their audience, even if some contestants continued to do their best without making mistakes. 

As the performance ended, the applause came. However, none of the contestants cheered. It was because of the mixed reviews from the producers and Drew. 

A few of them did not even know how they returned to the lounge without bumping into anything or tripping up.

Nobody talked as they sat on the sofas and couches before the enormous screen. 

As soon as the performance ended, Sujin kept silent, giving the impression that he was disappointed. Well, all of them were, but people were afraid to ask him who or whom he was dismayed. 

"I'm sorry." Neo stood up and bowed deeply to everyone. He did not cry, but his expression was both gloomy and apologetic. 

Sujin patted him on the head to console him. No words came from him, though. He also silently watched as the others hugged and comforted each other.

"Congratulations, Greenhouse Inhabitants, for completing the second mission. Now let's see the result of everyone's hard work."

After a somewhat long wait, because the judges were continuously replaying and scoring the performance, the MC returned to their line of sight and began to talk. Then, scores were flashed on the screen. 

The inhabitants braced themselves. They knew it from the reactions of the judges. But it still hurt when 70s and 60s popped up. 

The lowest was 42. Neo wordlessly lowered his head and covered his face since he knew it was his. There was nobody who messed it up worse than him. 

"Highest is 82."Lowest, 42." Kato was old enough not to be carried away by his emotions. So, even though he hated the outcome, he worried more for his fellow J-contestant. 

Their scores averaged lower than 70.

The stares Neo received were not at all friendly. They blamed him not through words but through their eyes and actions. The apology he made earlier was not enough to appease them. 

"I'm sure that everyone did their best. But the rules have to be followed. Six people would have to leave the Greenhouse today, and we would determine it through an internal voting session with both the judges and the contestants," said the emcee, who took the front again. 

The man in the white suit smiled, "However, before we go through that, we can't forget our young friends from the Barren Land who are waiting for their hard-earned chance to perform on the stage."

BGM played and the gigantic screen on both sides of the hall faded into black before being replaced by the scene in the Barren Land building. Trainees dressed in plain grey could be seen stretching.

PD Song laughed and brought his mouth near the mic installed on the long table. "Now that I remember it, if the Inhabitants' average had been higher than 90, their stage would have been canceled altogether, and their several days of hard work would have been wasted."

Drew blinked twice and exclaimed, "Oh? This is the first time I heard about it! The kids from there must have been very nervous all this time."

Keys chortled as he reacted, "Who wouldn't? I would also be if I were in their place."

PD Song bobbed his head and said, "Now, look at them. They are like soldiers gearing up for battle."

"Haha. I think we should not prolong their wait and watch the performance they prepared with all their minds and hearts," replied the person on the raised platform, smiling at the camera pointing at him. 

Emcee slash actor Lee held the cue card. He gestured elegantly with the same professional smile on his face. "So, everyone, here they are, 12 dreamers from the outside, BUT with a spirit, courage, and passion that would not lose to the Inhabitants. Let us all welcome! The Barren Landers!"