Chapter 3. How to Wash Your Hands

She's awake after six hours of sleeping soundly; she remembers her patient in Economy class. Rayleigh walks to the economy, meets the stewardess there, asks her for the medical kit, and takes a new bandage, ointment, and sanitizer. She wakes the patient slowly. "I need to check your wound and drink your painkiller; it starts to hurt, isn't it?"


"Yes, doc." He said yes to everything the doctor said; he didn't understand, but he was sure the doctor would help him.


One stewardess approached her and asked, "Is there anything I can do to help?" A sweet young woman with a pleasant smile asked.


"I need a glass of water for him and a bag to throw his old bandage in. Thank you."


It took her five minutes to change the bandage and apply another ointment. She checked his body temperature and said, "Okay, drink your painkiller and go back to sleep. You're fine, no fever, and it's doing good." Rayleigh told him, and the young stewardess translated her words to him, which made him very thankful to Rayleigh.


"Thank you for your help," Rayleigh says.


"No problem. Do you want anything to drink?"


"No, she's coming with me." Rayleigh turns her body to see Rose standing behind her with her arms crossed. "I was looking for you." She sulks.


"Oh, I was checking the patient and giving him another painkiller."


"Oh, I'm sorry, P'Ros; I didn't know she was your girlfriend." She said something in their native language. Rose wanted to clear up the misunderstanding, but she loved to hear the idea of being Rayleigh's girlfriend.


"Yes, I'm taking her back."


Rayleigh let Rose hold her hand and followed her; some people were still asleep. Some are still reading or watching a movie, but none seems to care enough about seeing the stewardess in a hurry with the doctor from today's incident.


After that, Rose didn't know what to do; next, she was so used to people chasing after her, not the other way around. She feels stupid when she is frantically looking for Rayleigh all over the place, then she remembers the injured passenger. Rayleigh was there, and the junior stewardess accompanied her. She's the cute and sweet type, almost the same as Isla, and she doesn't like it when she sees the junior stewardess putting her hand on her doctor,'my doctor?! I've gone insane!'


"You look upset; what happens?" She asks the young stewardess.


"No, I'm not." Rose can't say she's actually jealous; she didn't like it when she saw Rayleigh getting too close to other people, especially women. She heard it loud and clear that Rayleigh is a lesbian, not to mention she's so attractive, she's rich, and she's a doctor—exactly what every Asian parent wants for an in-law.


"Okay, wait a minute. I'm going to wash my hands; oh, you should too. Come." The two of them get into the small bathroom. Rayleigh pulled Rose closer and had her stand before her. "I'll show you the correct way of washing hands." She engulfs Rose from behind, having them wash their hands together.


'She does this on purpose!' Rose screams inside her head, and her heart feels ripped out of her ribs.


Rayleigh tapped the water open, then she wet their hands until their wrists. After that, she turns off the water and applies a good amount of soap to their hands. She stares into the mirror and says, "We look good together, don't you think?"


"Yeah." Rose can't think of anything else but to concentrate on those long fingers, which are now applying soap to their hands. She can feel their bodies getting warmer, like they're melting into each other.


Rayleigh lathered up the soap by rubbing their hands together. She spread all that soap to the backs of their hands, up to their wrists, between their fingers, and under their nails.


"Nail art?" Every time Rayleigh whispers next to her ear, Rose can feel the vibration of her voice giving jolts to every part of their body.


"No, it's just nail polish." Rayleigh stares at the shorts' neat nails, yet they look cute with the pastel colors on Rose's fingers.


"Did you ever date a woman before?" The doctor asks again, and she keeps washing both of their hands with soap.


"Yes, once," Rose answered slowly.


"A butch? Or the girly type?"


"Yes, Tom. It didn't work because her jealousy is too much."


"Date a doctor?" She asks again; now their fingers are entangled with each other.


"Not to the point of dating."




"They want me to be a housewife; I don't."


"I think being a stewardess is sexy."




"Yeah, that's how you should wash your hands from now on." Rayleigh smiles mischievously and says, "Dry my hands, please, Belle." Every time the doctor calls her with Belle, she can feel herself getting so wet down there.


Rose dried Rayleigh's hands using tissue paper gently, and then the doctor put one dry hand on her waist while the other held Rose's chin. Rose felt her heart pound as Rayleigh's hand gently grazed her chin, tilting her face upwards. "Doctor Ray..." she breathed, barely above a whisper.


"I'm going to kiss you; if you don't want it, push me away," Rayleigh murmured, her deep green eyes burning with intensity.


In that moment, Rose knew she had no desire to push the taller woman away. She wanted this—Raleigh—more than she'd ever wanted anything. Gathering her courage, she looked up at Rayleigh and nodded almost imperceptibly.


That was all the permission Rayleigh needed. She closed the gap between them, her lips finding Rose's in a searing kiss. Rose melted into the embrace, savoring the doctor's minty-fresh taste and the way her soft, full lips moved against her own.


Rose returned the kiss with equal fervor, all thoughts of propriety and professionalism dissolving as she lost herself in Rayleigh's arms. She turned her body towards the doctor, wrapping her arms around Rayleigh's neck to deepen the kiss.


Their lips danced together, a heated battle for dominance that Rose was all too happy to let Rayleigh win. She felt the doctor's strong hands grip her waist, pulling her in closer, and she went willingly, her whole being focused on the intoxicating sensations Rayleigh was evoking.


Time seemed to stand still as they kissed, the rest of the world fading away until it was just the two of them, lost in a heated, passionate embrace. Rose had never felt anything like this before, and she never wanted it to end.


"Rose?" They can hear Isla's sweet voice from outside, and Rose quickly part their kiss, earning a soft, whiny voice from Rayleigh. She needs more of Belle's lips on her; she loves how great they're together. Rose puts her finger on Rayleigh's lips, asking her to stop.


"She's up already, which means breakfast time. I have to go. You need to prepare for your breakfast too." She explained it to the doctor.


"Okay, will you see me often?"


"Isla and I have twelve people on board in First Class; yes, I can see you often." Rose gives it another peck.


"You tasted so good, Belle." Rayle stares at the latter, helping her fix her lipstick.


"Don't stare at me like that; I need to go."




Rose was the first one to get out; thankfully, there were no passengers around. Only Isla stands next to the bathroom door, her eyes widening in shock, seeing Rose exit the bathroom and having her hand covering her mouth.


"What are you?"


"I'll be quick; I'm going to fix my makeup first." Rose runs into the room for the cabin crew to rest.




"Good morning, Miss Griffith." Rayleigh tries to get Isla's attention so her sweet girl can run away. Rayleigh let Isla see how messy her face was, with lipstick all over her face, and she tried to wipe it with a tissue. "I think I need the face cleaner to fix this." She smiles and walks to her seat.


"Damn." The only word coming out of Isla's mouth.