Chapter 8. The Mona Bagheri

Rayleigh felt a brief moment of panic as the apartment door opened, revealing a woman who was not her girlfriend, Isabelle. The woman was beautiful in her own right, with a warm smile and sparkling eyes, but she was not the one Rayleigh had come to see.


"I'm sorry, but Isabelle is living here, right?" Rayleigh asked, her heart pounding in her chest.


"Yes, this is her apartment," the woman replied, her voice melodic and welcoming. "I'm Mona Bagheri, one of her friends. And you are?"


"Rayleigh MacKenzie," the doctor answered, her usual confident demeanor momentarily shaken.


"Oh, the doctor," Mona said, her smile widening as she gave Rayleigh an appreciative once-over. "Come inside, doc."


Before Rayleigh could respond, Isabelle's voice rang out from within the apartment. "Mona! Stop answering my door—oh, you're here already."


Rayleigh's breath caught in her throat as she laid eyes on her gorgeous girlfriend. Isabelle stood before her, clad only in a towel, her skin glistening with moisture and her hair still damp from the shower. Rayleigh felt a familiar heat rise within her as Isabelle bit her lower lip seductively.


"Wanna come? To my room?" Isabelle asked, her voice low and sultry.


Rayleigh couldn't suppress the smile that spread across her face. She glanced back at Mona, who was watching the exchange with a raised eyebrow and a knowing grin. "Sure," Rayleigh replied, her confidence returning as she followed Isabelle down the hall, leaving Mona to close the door behind them.


"Oh, she's taking off her shoes; she knows Asian etiquette. I agree!" Mona gives her thumbs up.


"Thanks," Rayleigh says, staring at her and continuing her words, "Mona Bagheri, I appreciate it."


"Damn, you hit the jackpot, Rose."


Isabelle's eyes gleamed with mischief as she grabbed Rayleigh's hand and led her into the bedroom. "Go home, Mona," she called out in Thai, a sly smirk on her face.


Mona rolled her eyes and muttered a curse under her breath before heading for the door. As she left, she couldn't help but take one last glance at the doctor. Rayleigh was undoubtedly a striking woman—polite, friendly, and possessing a body to die for. Mona couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy as she saw the way Isabelle was looking at her.


"I might not come out of my room for a long time," Isabelle purred, half yelling to Mona, but Mona didn't reply. She closed her door and stared at her new girlfriend. "Do you want to wait? Or, do you want to... do me?"


Rayleigh felt her heart race with anticipation. The woman before her was a vision of beauty, and Rayleigh wanted nothing more than to lose herself in her. But she also knew that she wanted to savor every moment and truly cherish Isabelle as she deserved.


"Hmmm..." Rayleigh mused with a coy smile on her lips. "Most people would choose to rush into this without a second thought." She stepped closer, her hand gently caressing Isabelle's face. "But I want to enjoy our time together. I want to take you on a second date, go for a drink, and maybe..." She leaned in, her lips grazing Isabelle's ear.


"Maybe we can spend the night together. Or..." Isabelle continued her lover's words, and Rayleigh placed a soft kiss on Isabelle's hand. "Do you want to go slow? Because I can do slow."


Isabelle wrapped her arms around Rayleigh's neck, gazing up at her with hooded eyes. "Oh, Isabelle, my Isabelle," Rayleigh murmured, her voice thick with desire. "You don't know how much I want to take you and ravage you right now, to sip all those glittering droplets from your skin, to taste your fresh-scented body." She paused, taking a deep, steady breath, inhaling Isabelle's intoxicating fragrance. "But I want to treat you right, the way you deserve."


Rayleigh's hand caressed Isabelle's waist, the other tenderly stroking her face, a thumb brushing over her lips. Isabelle's tongue darted out, licking Rayleigh's thumb softly and sending a shiver of anticipation through the doctor's body.


"You're so tempting, my love," Rayleigh murmured. "But I want to savor every moment with you. To make this last." She pressed a soft, lingering kiss on Isabelle's forehead. "If you'll have me, I want to take you on the most incredible journey."


Isabelle closes her eyes, holding everything with all her might, not to let herself give up on the sweet temptation, and ends up doing something she might regret later. She pulls Rayleigh's face close to her and kisses her cheek. "Wait for me outside; I'll be ready soon for our date."


"Okay, sweetheart." Rayleigh throws a smile, gives her a peck, and quickly gets out of Isabelle's room.


Rayleigh had barely stepped out of Isabelle's room when Mona halted in her tracks. "Oh, I was about to get out," the other woman said, eyeing Rayleigh with a curious smile.


"Want some drinks?" Mona offered, already moving towards the kitchen.


"Yes, sure, thanks," Rayleigh replied, settling herself on the sofa. "Just water, please."


Mona returned with a tall glass of cold water, handing it to Rayleigh before sitting down next to her. The doctor couldn't help but notice the way Mona was studying her intently.


"Anything you want to ask?" Rayleigh inquired, feeling a touch of self-consciousness under the other woman's gaze.


"Why did you get out of her room?" Mona asked bluntly. "I mean, she's naked under the towel; you know that, right?"


Rayleigh felt her cheeks warm at the question. "Oh, I know," she replied, taking a long sip of the refreshing water. "But I don't want to treat her carelessly. I want her to know that she's safe with me."


Mona's smile widened as she tilted her head, humming contemplatively. Before she could respond, Isabelle's voice rang out from the bedroom.


"Mona! Stop bothering her!" Isabelle emerged, now clad in a sleek black dress, her damp hair cascading down her back. "I thought you left already?!"


"I was about to, but your girlfriend came out of your room, and I had to ask her why." Mona laughs while secretly watching Rayleigh. Isabelle's effortless beauty mesmerized Rayleigh, who couldn't help but stare. She gulped hard, only to feel Mona's finger gently push her chin, closing her mouth.


"I know. Isabelle is sexy," Mona said, her eyes twinkling with amusement.


"You kidding?" Rayleigh breathed, her voice barely above a whisper. "The universe must have been in a very good mood when they made her."


Mona let out a laugh, shaking her head as she stood up. "That's it; I'm out," she declared, grabbing her bag. "It's going to take her another hour to get ready, my suggestion, doc? Just fuck her already." With a wink, Mona hurried out the door, leaving a flustered Rayleigh in her wake.


Rayleigh sat there, her mind whirling, as Isabelle approached, a coy smile playing on her lips. The doctor knew she was in for the ride of her life, and she couldn't wait to see where this journey with Isabelle would take her. "Your friend, and wow, my Belle..." When Rayleigh's husky voice called her name like that, it made her weak in the knees. Rayleigh walked closer, putting her hands on Isabelle's waist and pulling her closer. "Beautiful," Rayleigh whispered while her two hands ran slowly to Isabelle's curves.


"I take it to you like what you see." Isabelle smirked while taking a deep breath, feeling all the arousal from a simple touch from Rayleigh. "baby."


"Of course, baby, perfect." Rayleigh kissed her cheek and smiled. "Go get ready; I'll wait."


Isabelle cursed under her breath while biting her lower lips, feeling empty after Rayleigh moved away from her. Everything about Rayleigh drove her crazy. The blond doctor sits on the sofa and, opening her tablet, starts to read something like, "She's crazy."