Chapter 63. What's an Andrologist?

Matthew stares at the evidence in front of him, and Roxanne makes him sign a guarantee statement. No matter how long, she will deal with her younger brother's rehabilitation, not jail.


Roxanne is willing to lose Lauren as her best friend, as long as she can protect her brother. She doesn't mind the backlash she will get from Lauren. "I'm just protecting my family; you'd do the same, wouldn't you, Matthew?"


"Why did you come to me now?" Matthew had already asked her.


"I know who your mother is, and I know how the Castillo works. They have people everywhere in the police department. It's just a matter of time until they get the footage from the transaction. All I did was come to you first to save my brother," Roxanne says in a serious tone, something Matthew has never seen from her before.


"Lauren's going to hate you so bad," Matthew says.