She's Gone

Everly's felt like she has been shattered as the doctor delivered the devastating news. Tears welled up in her eyes, and her body trembled with disbelief.

Her voice choked with emotion as she shook her head in denial. "No... Tell me you're lying,"

The doctor sighed, pushing back his glasses as he tried to maintain his composure. "Please, Miss Everly, you have to get a hold of yourself. We tried our best to save her, but..." he trailed off, unable to bring himself to utter the words.

But Everly couldn't bear to hear any more."Tried your best?! No, you didn't!" she yelled, her voice breaking as she pointed an accusing finger at the doctor. "You better cut the crap and tell me you're joking!"

Ivan attempted to touch her shoulder. "Everly, please, you need to calm down,"

But Everly recoiled, knocking his hand away. "Don't touch me! And don't tell me to calm down"

Turning back to the doctor, Everly's desperation reached its peak. "I want to see my mother," she demanded as her voice trembled.

The doctor nodded. "Yes, you will see her. But like your husband said, you need to calm down first,"

But Everly couldn't wait any longer. In desperation, she grabbed the doctor by the collar. "I said I want to see my mother, now!" she insisted.

The doctor sighed, exchanging a glance with Ivan, who nodded in silent agreement. "Very well then, this way, please," the doctor turned around and led the two of them towards her mother's ward.

They stopped in front of a door labeled "B12" and he signaled for them to enter as he stood outside.

Everly wasted no time and immediately went in, with Ivan following closely behind.

At the center of the room, a long table stood with someone covered in white clothing lying on top of it.

Everly's hands trembled as she slowly approached the table, her breath catching in her throat with each step. With shaking hands, she pulled down the covering, revealing her mother's lifeless body beneath.

"No..." Everly's voice cracked, and she fell to her knees beside the table, her eyes filled with tears as she gazed upon her mother's lifeless face. "Please wake up, mother. Don't do this to me," she pleaded, her voice trembling.

Ivan watched Everly from a distance for a while before quietly leaving the room to speak with the doctor.

Hours passed, and Everly still remained by her mother's side, refusing to leave her even for a moment.

Her eyes were red and sore from crying, but she couldn't bring herself to tear away from the painful reality before her.

Eventually, Ivan returned to her side, his voice gentle as he spoke. "Everly dear, it's already late, so we have to go now,"

But Everly avoided his gaze, her grief still consuming her. "I'm not going anywhere," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

Ivan sighed, knowing he had to be the voice of reason. "You know you can't stay here forever and besides, I have something important to tell you regarding your mother's death,"

Everly still didn't look at him until he mentioned her mother's death. Her eyes snapped up to meet his. "What?"

He nodded. "I'll tell you all about it once we get home. We can still come back here anytime, but you need to rest for now. Come on," he offered her a hand.

Reluctantly, Everly agreed, and with Ivan's support, she got up from her kneeling position beside her mother's body. Ivan held her close as they walked out of the ward.

As they made their way out of the hospital, they crossed paths with the doctor once again.

He gave Everly a nod of sympathy. "Take heart, Miss Everly," he said softly, offering her a small comfort.____

Everly sat on the large couch in the living room, covered in a blanket, her eyes still sore from crying. Ivan walked in with a cup of tea in his hand and offered it to Everly. She accepted it silently, staring into the steaming liquid before speaking up.

"So… you said you wanted to tell me something?" Everly's voice was weary as he looked up at Ivan.

Ivan cleared his throat "Yes, Everly… While you were in your mother's ward, I had a talk with the doctor and the nurses who attended to your mother before she passed," he began.

Everly's gaze flickered as she waited for Ivan to continue. "And?" she prompted, her voice barely above a whisper.

Ivan continued. "And they all said the same thing. There wasn't anything wrong with your mother when they all attended to her."

She scoffed "Well obviously, she was perfectly fine when I visited her too so what's your point?"

"What I'm saying is that your mother was murdered!" he blurted out. "I know a normal death when I see one, Everly and a person can't just die out of nowhere without any signs or anything" he crossed his arms "It doesn't make any sense"

Everly's mind raced with questions, her thoughts swirling with confusion and disbelief. "Who would want to kill her?" she wondered aloud, her voice tinged with despair.

"Well does your family have any enemies or anyone you have or had issues with?" Ivan inquired, hoping to uncover any potential leads.

"No, not that I know of," Everly replied. "Ever since my parents divorced, my mom has been working part-time jobs and she barely knows anyone except for the people from where she worked and that's the same for me," she took a sip from the tea "The only enemies I have are the everyday karens from work"

Ivan let out a soft sigh, his brow furrowing.

"Should we tell the police? They can investigate or something," Everly suggested.

But Ivan shook his head. "No, there's no need to involve the police right now. I will investigate the matter myself," he insisted.

"But why, though? Shouldn't the police be able to…" Everly tried to question his decision but Ivan cut her off, gently placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Just trust me, Everly. I will make sure I find whoever did this, I promise," he assured her.

Everly sighed before nodding "Alright"

He pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her for a hug.

"We'll go back to the hospital tomorrow," he added.