You Idiots

Ania felt a rough grip on her arm as the man pushed her forward. They began to walk, with him trailing behind her, the gun still aimed at her head. 


Finally, she got a good look at the man. He had short, wavy hair, stood at about 5'9", with brown eyes, and had a scar on his face. 


Despite the situation, Ania couldn't help but tease him. "Rahhh, daddy, you're quite the looker," she joked, earning a disgusted look from the man. 


Rolling her eyes, she continued, "What? Just stating the facts. That scar adds to your charm, making you a whole package, papi. Too bad you're Beta''


The man couldn't hide his irritation and pulled her close. "Listen here, Smirnov. I don't know what games you're playing, but don't even think about doing anything stupid, understand?" 


Ania smirked. "Perhaps when all this is over, I'll ask Ivan to give me your head so I can hang it in my room and admire it forever," she teased.


The man's eyes widened at her words. "You're crazy," he sighed in frustration before pushing her slightly. "Move"


"Okay, okay, I'm moving. Stop pushing me," Ania walled as he led her deeper into the area. 


There, she saw three other men sitting on top of abandoned cars. One of them snarled at her, while the others chuckled at the sight of her. "Four men, one weak and fragile girl? Oh, whatever shall I do?" she exclaimed dramatically. "I simply cannot even!"


The man who had been pulling her yanked her arm again. "Shut up, it's not like that. We're not going to touch you or anything. We're not perverts."


The man tied up her wrists before nodding toward the dirty floor, motioning for Ania to sit down. Ania looked at the grimy platform, her face twisting in disgust. "You want me to sit there? You're kidding, right?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at the man.


"Do I look like I'm kidding?" He replied with a hint of amusement in his voice as the other men chuckled.


"Are you crazy? Sitting on this filthy ground? And do you know how much these pants cost?" Ania protested, shock evident on her face.


"Well, we don't have a fancy throne here, princess," the man chuckled softly. "Just sit," he commanded, pushing Ania down onto the dirty pavement.


"Aahh!" Ania shrieked as the cold, dirty surface met her skin. 


The men paused, then burst into laughter. "She's a real drama queen, boss," one of them remarked to the scar-faced man.


"You think my distress is funny?" Ania asked, her voice trembling with tears. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she started crying. "How could you?" she stuttered through sobs.


The boss flinched, surprised by Ania's sudden emotional outburst. "You're crying over clothes and in front of Betas? Where's your pride or some self-respect? You're a standard alpha for fucks sake," he asked. 


Ania stopped crying for a moment. "Bitch, please, if pride were a person, they'd be scared of me," she said before continuing to cry again.


The boss hesitated. "I... I didn't mean to upset you, ok?" he muttered awkwardly, unsure how to respond.


"How could you?" she sobbed, her voice breaking.


The boss exchanged a glance with his men. "Look, I'm sorry," he said gruffly, his tone more gentle now. "But we've got our reasons for being cautious. We can't afford any slip-ups, you understand?"


"Just... just sit tight, okay? We won't hurt you," he said.


She stopped crying again and looked up at him. "Darling, you're such a sweetheart… But that still doesn't change the fact that you just ruined my outfit!" She continued crying, and the boss sighed, facepalming in frustration._____


Ivan continued to chase his target, swiftly closing the gap between them. He leaped forward, tackling the man to the ground. 


The man reached into his bag and pulled out a pistol, aiming it at Ivan. He fired a shot, but Ivan rolled aside, narrowly avoiding the bullet. Rising to his feet, Ivan confronted the man. 


"I would drop that gun and surrender if I were you, because you're going to be in even deeper shit  if you keep resisting," Ivan warned, his voice firm.


The man trembled, his gaze darting around frantically. "I can't go back!" he cried out.


Ivan's brow furrowed. "Go back where?"


"I can't go back!" the man repeated, before unaliving himself with a shot to the head.


Ivan sighed, glancing at the lifeless body. "Well, that was unexpected," he muttered to himself. "I hope Ania's target is still alive. I better find her." With that, he dashed off.


Meanwhile, Ania had stopped crying, fixing her gaze on the men in front of her.


"Why are you looking at us like that?" the boss asked, trying to figure out Ania.


She rolled her eyes. "What now?" she asked.


The boss smirked. "You'll stay put until the boss decides what to do with you, so you better get comfortable, little one."


Ania's eyes narrowed. "Boss? I thought you were in charge."


The boss chuckled. "You're clueless. If I were the boss, would I be out here risking my neck? No, I'm just following orders."


Ania scoffed. "Orders to kill an innocent woman? You're despicable. And why eliminate one of your own men? Was he a liability? And also, what's your name?"


The boss lit a cigarette, exhaling a cloud of smoke. "Slow down with the questions, princess. We do what we're paid to do. And sure, that guy I killed earlier was one of us, but knowing how weak he is, he would probably spill everything to you at the slightest threat. It is better to silence him than risk exposure. I'm Dominik, if you must know. I don't think theres any harm in telling you that."


Ania shook her head in disgust. "Like I said, despicable."


Dominik shrugged indifferently. "It's just business."


They sat in silence for a few more minutes. Ania scanned the area while the men kept their eyes on her.


Suddenly, Ivan's voice broke the silence. "There you are," he said with a laugh. 


"It took you long enough," Ania said with a whiny voice.


All the men turned their attention to Ivan. One of them fell off the car bonnet he was seated on at the sight of him. "S-supreme Alpha," the man stuttered as he trembled. 


The second man glanced nervously at their boss. "The supreme alpha? This wasn't what we signed up for, sir," he said. 


"Yeah, if we knew this involved the Supreme Alpha, we wouldn't have signed up for it," the third man added.


"You dumbasses." Ania let out a chuckle. "You kept me here and didn't expect to see him? He's my brother, of course he'd be here," Ania mocked them.


"You fools, are you going to abandon our mission now?" Dominik yelled, throwing the cigarette he had in his hand on the floor, his frustration evident in his voice. 


Ivan and Ania observed the scene with amusement. Suddenly, Dominik grabbed his gun and pointed it at Ania's head. 


"Holy shit!!" Ania remarked.