That Was A Headshot!

Ivan sat on the floor, still cuddling unconscious Everly. He glanced up at Sergei. "Have you called her?" He questioned, his face wrinkling into a frown. 


"Yes, sir," he answered sharply, nodding his head rapidly.  "She's on her way and will be here shortly.


He nodded, slightly relieved. "Good." 


An unsettling silence fell between them as they waited for Ania to arrive. Ivan continued to look at Everly's face, shielding her from the rain with his body and constantly checking her heartbeat to make sure she was still alive. Sergei, on the other hand, looked around, trying his best to avoid eye contact with Ivan. 


The silence was interrupted when a black car approached, the headlights shining directly at them. Was it Ania? Did she finally arrive?. Ivan frowned and looked up at Sergei, giving him a nod, which he returned.