
Ania sat face-to-face with her father, his desk the only thing separating the both of them. She sat with her legs and arms crossed and glared at him in silence as he sorted some paperwork. 


He stacked some of the papers and kept them aside before picking up new ones, completely ignoring Ania's presence. 


"So, are you going to tell me why I'm here, dad?" she asked.


Her father slightly pulled down the glasses he wore and peered at her. "You're going to sit there until you realize what you did wrong today." He shuffled the papers and began going through them. "Now I would appreciate it if you didn't speak, I'm trying to focus here."


"That's…. Do I look like a child to you? I already told you, I didn't start the fight, I was only defending Arkadi!" She protested, standing up from her seat.