
The front door swung open, and Arkadi strode in, a medical bag slung over his shoulder. "I heard there was a patient in need of my expert care,"


Ania rolled her eyes, but she couldn't help but grin. "About time you showed up, Arkadi. Everly's been playing nurse, but I think she's just using it as an excuse to punish me for getting into a fight in the first place. Am I right, darling?."


Everly swatted Ania lightly on the arm and chuckled. "You wish. I'm just making sure you don't bleed all over the couch."


Arkadi set his bag down and began examining Ania's injuries. "So, what happened this time?" he asked, already knowing it would be a wild story. "Who did you fight, the mafia? Or someone even crazier?"