78 Shut Up, Ania

Arkadi left after he got a call from the pack's hospital, and Sergei left to return to his duties.


Ania remained, settling into a chair beside Everly. She reached into her purse with a mysterious smile. "Guess what I'm about to bring out right now, darling." 


Everly, curious but unable to pinpoint the surprise, shrugged. 


"Okay, I'll give you a hint," Ania teased. "It's a really popular place in this very town."


Everly's eyes widened. "I have no idea. There are a lot of popular places here, I don't even know where to start. Just tell me!"


Ania rolled her eyes, a smirk tugging on her lips. "Fine." She pulled out the three golden tickets from her purse. "Ta-da!"


Everly gasped, recognizing them instantly. "Are those... tickets to Lioria Club? That super expensive club for rich people who have way too much money to waste?" she asked, chuckling.