96 I Need To Know What He's Up To

"It's great we decided to come here today," Mrs. Svetlana said with a warm voice as she held Mr. Mikhail's hand. "All these unhealthy fights you and Ivan have had have been stressing me out. It feels nice to take a break from all of it, right?"


Mr. Mikhail nodded absently, his attention elsewhere. "Yeah, sure." His eyes scanned the crowd, trying to find where the scent was coming from.


Mrs. Svetlana smiled, looking around the bustling scene. "It's been a while since I've been somewhere with this many humans. It feels... odd."


When she turned to her husband for a response, she found him barely listening. His gaze was locked on the roller coaster area. She frowned and pulled her husband's arm, "Are you even listening?"


"Hold on," Mr. Mikhail pushed her hand away gently, narrowing his eyes. "Do you smell something?"