This is what I've got to work with?

Bree raised her hand. 

"I'd like to be part of the first group to run it." She said, and the other two nodded. 

"Well, we have an even number, so only two at a time for safety reasons." Kellen told them, and the three of them nodded. They nodded at his words, and the two Guides who joined from the afternoon class did a quick game of rock paper scissors before the one who won joined Bree at the starting line. 

The course was set up as usual, but Kellen and Brent had marked out different sections with cones. They thought it was a reasonable distance between each set, and would help them understand their physical prowess and also trouble-shooting capabilities in tense situations. 

Kellen and Brent grabbed their clipboards they'd made, along with the sheet that had all of the Guides names on it. Kellen pulled out his phone to keep time as well, making sure Brent had done the same thing. Then, they nodded to each other.