Some things do change

When Kellen showed up to the gym about half an hour later then he normally would, slightly dazed, and met Brent's gaze, he had a fucking look on his face. He held it together through their first set, but when they took a brief water break, he let it loose. 

"So…no longer Kellen the celibate?' He asked, and Kellen thanked a higher power that he wasn't drinking water at the moment of his question. Kellen took a moment to gather himself, shaking his head before he sighed, glancing at the damn sparkling green eyes on him, and smirked. 

"Hate to break it to you, but we haven't had sex." Brent's eyes went wide, and at first, Kellen thought it was because he confirmed he was still a virgin. 

"Oh my god, you just called it sex. You didn't-I honestly didn't expect this kind of development." What the hell did that mean? Why was he reacting this way?