You will not take this city

Sakura was all smiles as she approached the podium that Lieutenant Fisher said they had set up for her. It was a few steps further then the one for Kellen, and she basically acted as a shield for Kellen from that side. 

Kellen stared at the thick, wooden podium and had no doubt that the material it was made out of came from a gate. His suspicions were only confirmed when he placed his hands on the wood and the texture was familiar. It reminded Kellen of the door to his apartment. 

Sakura adjusted the mic poking out of the podium to her height and smiled as she glanced around at the crowd below them. The chattering from the crowd hadn't dimmed as they had gotten into position, and Kellen had no idea if that was a good or bad thing.

Glancing back at Pamela, who remained at the base of the stairs while Esper Blake had followed Kellen up onto the platform, he noticed she was frowning heavily.