Lieutenant Spencer led the way for the rest of them, while Sakura chattered away, clearly trying to keep the atmosphere between Gunther and Kellen civil. Kellen didn't mind.
Gunther, as far as he was concerned, could do with a bit of violence in his life. He did throw a garbage can at Kellen, and he hadn't gotten him back for that. Plus, it wouldn't hurt to give him a few more reasons to hate Guides. If Kellen gave him enough to hate, they might really believe him. Forget Casper, Kellen wanted to be the reason that his undercover mission was successful.
Truly. If Gunther was cursing his name the whole time, that was only going to benefit everyone, Gunther and Casper specifically.
"Alright, we're here." Lieutenant Spencer said, stopping at a door that looked the same amongst all the other doors in this hallway. Sakura came to a stop outside of it, glancing back at Kellen before she nodded.