Blade of Chaos

Two months had passed since that conversation with Lucas and his parents about him adventuring. After convincing them and agreeing to his father's condition, he didn't waste any time. He started training with Lucielle and William. Even after training with them, he would secretly train by himself, strengthening his body and improving the quantity and quality of his mana. He also practiced and tried to learn new spells suited for his elements. Unfortunately, his space and chaos elements were a problem.

Space, being an extremely rare element, didn't have many spells revealed about it by other mages, except for [Flash Step], where he could teleport a certain distance within sight, using more mana for greater distances, and [Inventory], where he could store items in his own small dimensional pocket, though living things couldn't be stored since it lacked oxygen. Essentially, it replaced the need for a storage ring.

Chaos was a unique challenge for Lucas. Being the first in millennia to possess the element meant that there were no known spells associated with it. In fact, many in Myrniel weren't even aware of the existence of the chaos element. Perhaps the strongest individuals in Myrniel, such as the Royal Family of the human domain, might have some knowledge about it, but it wasn't like Lucas could simply approach them and ask. That would undoubtedly invite trouble. Though that doesn't mean he didn't create any spells by himself.

Lucas had been training diligently for the past months, but that didn't mean he neglected his family. He spent as much time as he could with them whenever possible, understanding that they were often busy with their own work. After two months of hard work, Lucas finally achieved it. He finally reached the 4-star level and became a Master in both swordsmanship and magic. When his father learned about Lucas's feat, he was speechless. While he had set the condition that Lucas could only go adventuring if he reached the Master stage, he hadn't expected it to happen so quickly. He had thought that even with his son's talent, it would take at least 4-5 months before reaching that level. It seemed he had underestimated just how monstrous his son was.



Standing with his father and mother in his father's office, Lucas heard his father audibly sigh, but pride was also evident on his father's face. It's every father's dream for their son to be incredible and strong, and he was extremely happy with Lucas's achievements over the past months. However, his mother, though happy, looked worried about Lucas leaving today but she didn't dare to stop him, not after seeing all the hard work her normally lazy son had put in for once.

"Well, a deal is a deal, my son," his father said, and suddenly, a long black box and a card appeared on the table, pulled out of his father's storage ring.

Ignoring the black box for now, his father picked up the card and handed it to Lucas.

"This is your Identification card as an adventurer. Even though I understand you want to go to an adventurers guild yourself and register, it would be a waste of time for someone of your capabilities. To ease mine and especially your mother's worries, please accept this card, my son," his father explained the reason for having an adventurer's card beforehand.

The card was made by the best adventurers guild in Moon City, called Lunar Guild, something most adventurers could only dream of registering in. It was sapphire with beautiful silver linings and had five stars on it as well a Moon logo on the top right of the card.

"While this card is of high value, it will also help you out of most troubles when you need it. But it won't mean you have authority in the Lunar Guild; it's more like people will respect and, of course, fear you if they see you with this card," his father said with a smirk, and Lucas couldn't help but return one himself.

The card was basically a show of strength, letting people know that the holder was of considerable status and strength and someone to be respected. Of course, not many people had this card; instead, they had a normal card with their name and star level displayed.

The one Lucas got was called a special card, something you only obtained by special means that could vary for different reasons.

'They really are overprotective, but I guess I should accept it. It will help me skip the boring parts of registering and all the trouble following it, since I was only planning to go to a normal adventurers guild,' he thought to himself.

"I see. This is why you asked beforehand under what name I would register when I go to an adventurers guild," Lucas said, finally understanding why his father had asked him over dinner once.

"Yes, though I have to say, I am quite intrigued why you chose that name," his father replied, not understanding why his son had chosen that name. Normally, he would've dismissed it as his son just being lazy and picking a random name, but this name felt different, as if it had a meaning behind it.

Lucas had decided to go under a different name and wear a disguise while out adventuring for the next two years. If he went as Lucas Nightstar, he would only invoke trouble and defeat the purpose of building experience through his own effort.

(AN: That does not mean he will hold back. It will just be for this adventurer arc that he will be in need of a disguise. He won't be a MC that will take a beating for the sake of hiding his powers, especially in the academy arc later on.)

"That name is from a foreign dead language called Latin, though it doesn't seem to be in the history books, father," Lucas explained.

His mother looked at him with suspicious eyes about how he knew of such an ancient language, but she wouldn't ask her son now. She believed that he would tell her when the time was right, showing how much they had started trusting each other over the past months.

'Though I will definitely confront him about it when he gets back from his adventure," his mother thought, gazing at Lucas with narrowed eyes.

'Even if I trust him, I don't want him to keep secrets from us that could endanger him.'

Storing the card in his [inventory], Lucas's gaze fell on the black box.

"Father, what is inside the box?" Lucas asked curiously, as it was obvious his father was about to give him something from inside.

"Heh, glad you asked, my son," his father replied, opening the box to reveal a beautiful katana lying inside. The blade was pure silver-black, with mysterious engravings on it, and the hilt was red and black.

"This here is a Soul Sword, something that has been passed down from my father to me, your grandfather, and now I am passing it down to you. This sword has never been able to find an owner; apparently, neither I nor your grandfather were worthy enough. So, I wanted to test my luck and perhaps let you give it a try."

Soul weapons were bound by the user's soul and evolved as the user did. They could be summoned and desummoned at will, though obtaining one was almost impossible and was only sold at auctions, accessible only to the wealthiest people in the world.

Lucas's grandfather, Magnus Nightstar, was an 11-star level swordsman and the previous lord of the Nightstar, known in his time as the God of Fire. Not many knew about him being an 11-star level swordsman; most believed him to be 9-10 star level, but those who did know felt fear, not understanding why the Nightstars were only a mere Viscount family and not higher.

Though Lucas had only seen his grandfather a few times when he was younger, he was a kind man who loved his grandchild. Currently, he was somewhere in seclusion, training to become a 12-star level swordsman. No one knew where he was or had any means of contacting him.

Gazing at the sword, Lucas felt nervous, not wanting to disappoint his father. Moreover, he truly desired the sword, feeling as though something was pulling him towards it. He initially thought it was just his childish greed, but then the sword started to vibrate slightly, as if it sensed Lucas's presence.

"That is strange, it never vibrated before..." His father remarked, his nerves tingling with excitement.

'Perhaps he might really do it,' he thought, feeling a surge of anticipation.

As Lucas reached his hand out, he finally grasped the sword. However, instead of ceasing its vibration, the sword intensified its trembling. Lucas could sense its desire to be unleashed, to bring destruction upon others.

'Tch, how troublesome,' Lucas thought to himself.

Activating his skill, [Monarch of Chaos], he released his aura and bloodlust. With his hand firmly on the sword, he surrounded it with his Chaos flames. Then, in a voice commanding obedience, he spoke.


To everyone's surprise in the room, the sword obeyed.


The sword, dormant for millennia, never believed it would find someone worthy enough to wield it again. But it was wrong. As soon as the white-haired boy laid his blood-red eyes on it, the sword sensed the familiar presence of chaos, reminiscent of its previous master.

Trembling with excitement, the sword longed to be unleashed, to bring chaos upon the world once more. However, when the boy commanded it to stop, it felt compelled to obey. The boy emanated the same power and presence as its previous master.

For the first time in a millennium, the Blade of Chaos found its new master.