Dungeon [1]


Status Screen:

[Name]: Lucas Nightstar

[Age]: 12

[Gender]: Male

[Race:] Human

[Rank]: low 4 star-level (Master)


- Fire

- Lightning

- Space

- Chaos (Progenitor)

[Special Talent]: Dual Wielder

[Physique]: None

[BloodLine]: Unawakened

[Title]: Master of the Blade of Chaos

[Skills]: Monarch of Chaos


As Lucas entered the dungeon, he found himself inside a vast cave illuminated by mana crystals that adorned its walls, casting ethereal hues across the cavern.

"It really is beautiful," Lucas mused to himself, "but just as beautiful as this dungeon is, it is equally dangerous, I suppose."


While Lucas marveled at the dungeon's beauty, a menacing growl echoed from ahead. Turning towards the source of the sound, he laid eyes upon the very first beast he would have to confront in his life.


Before him stood a white-haired wolf, towering at 2.5 meters tall, its body engulfed in blue flames exuding bloodlust and a hunger to devour.

Locking eyes with the ferocious wolf, Lucas couldn't help but feel a twinge of nervousness. This would be his first battle against a beast.

The Blue Flame Wolf, a king predator among D rank beasts, was an unexpected and formidable opponent for Lucas to encounter so early in the dungeon. Yet, as his first foe, it elicited a smile from him.

"Dog," Lucas called out to the mad wolf, their gazes locked, "let's see which of us devours the other."

In response to his provocation, the wolf growled, its blue flames intensifying with eagerness, ready to pounce. Observing the wolf's cunning demeanor, Lucas felt the surge of Red Lightning enveloping his body as he positioned himself, prepared to engage in combat.

As the wolf released a torrent of blue flame from its jaws, he looked at were Lucas should be only to hear a voice behind him.

"Too slow."

With a calculated flex of his muscles, Lucas coiled his right arm, infusing it with a crackling aura of red lightning. His fist clenched, he delivered a lightning-imbued punch directly into the wolf's gut, propelling it towards the cave wall with a resounding crash. The strike was too swift for the wolf to react.


As the smoke cleared, the wolf was nowhere to be seen. Lucas's instincts screamed at him to flee, prompting him to execute a [Flash Step], reappearing five meters away from his previous position. He glanced back, observing the enraged wolf as it swiped its razor-sharp claws that were infused with blue flames at the spot where Lucas had stood moments before, growling in frustration at his escape.

'Tch, this wolf is smart, fast, and durable. I can't afford to get too close for too long due to the intensity of its flames.'

Lucas pondered his next move, strategizing how to counter the cunning and formidable adversary, which would be a D-ranked boss monster in a lower dungeon.

As the mad wolf prepared to unleash another torrent of blue flames from its jaws, Lucas acted swiftly. Channeling mana into his right palm, he formed a fire ball with lightning speed, launching it towards the wolf. The sudden attack interrupted the wolf's assault, forcing it to evade the incoming fireball.

With the wolf now off balance, Lucas seized the opportunity to create multiple javelins of red thunder that crackled with energy. Surrounding himself with the javelins, he began launching them one by one at the wolf, each strike aimed with precision. The wolf was left with no choice but to continuously dodge the barrage of lightning javelins or risk being struck head-on.

The intense battle raged on for the next five minutes, with both Lucas and the mad wolf seizing opportunities to attack and counterattack. Despite the wolf's speed and durability, Lucas skillfully evaded its assaults using his lightning element and [Flash Step] technique, while delivering calculated strikes of his own.

Growing weary of the prolonged struggle, Lucas decided to end it once and for all. Channeling his lightning element, he unleashed a powerful spell known as [static field].

In an instant, red lightning surged from Lucas's body, enveloping the area in a five-meter radius. The mad wolf, caught within the spell's range, was paralyzed for a few precious seconds.

Seizing the opportunity, Lucas used [Flash Step] in front of the immobilized wolf and unleashed a fireball at point-blank range, sending the creature flying several meters back. Though the wolf survived the onslaught, it remained severely injured and dazed.

Without hesitation, Lucas used [Flash Step] once more to where the wolf stood, its battered body now within reach. With a final fireball, Lucas delivered the decisive blow, extinguishing the creature's life as it fell to the ground with a resounding thud.


After the intense battle, Lucas collapsed to the floor, his breaths heavy. Not from exhaustion, but from the adrenaline coursing through his veins. His heart pounded loudly in his chest, the realization sinking in that he had just faced death and emerged victorious. It was his first real fight, a momentous occasion, and he had slain a formidable foe - a king predator of D rank.

"Damn, I actually did it! I managed to beat it, haha!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with a mixture of exhilaration and disbelief.

Gazing at the lifeless body of the wolf, Lucas felt no remorse or guilt for taking its life. In the world of adventurers, survival of the fittest was law. If he hadn't killed the mad wolf, it would have surely devoured him instead.

As his mana began to replenish, Lucas rose to his feet, taking one final look at his fallen adversary. With a sense of respect, he addressed the creature.

"You were a formidable foe to face. Thank you for making my first real battle so memorable," he said, acknowledging the wolf's strength even in death.


After the encounter with the mad wolf, Lucas strangely didn't come across any more king predators of D rank. Instead, he faced smaller D rank creatures, which he dispatched with ease. Before he knew it, two days had already passed. Time seemed to slip away as he focused on honing his skills and testing out his spells, applying the training he had received from William and Lucielle.

Unaware of the passing time, Lucas continued his relentless slaughter of foes. His body was sustained by the mana around him, a perk of reaching the master stage. At this level, one could go without food for months without issue, relying solely on the replenishing properties of mana. Only at the grandmaster stage could one truly have no need for food or water, taking sustenance purely for pleasure.

Lost in the rhythm of battle, Lucas found himself standing once again in front of a towering ancient gate—the entrance to the boss room...

(AN: Thank you for taking the time to read my first attempt at writing a fight scene! I'd love to hear your feedback and any suggestions for improvement. Your comments and thoughts are greatly appreciated. Thank you once again for your support and for being a part of this journey! And yes, for those wondering, I removed the wind element from Lucas's affinities.)