Seer [2]

As they entered, they saw an elder elf woman with white robes sitting behind a table. Her face was wrinkled, her eyes closed, yet all of them felt her gaze. Her hair was gray, and her body looked frail and thin.

"I wouldn't have thought that the crown prince and the princess would visit me, bringing the rising star, the White Devil," the Seer said, startling everyone as they froze in shock. How did she know!? They were still wearing their masks, yet the Seer seemed to see through them.

'No way! Maybe she is actually a real seer!' Sylv thought, looking at Lucas with eyes saying 'I told you she was real!' Yet Lucas wasn't watching Sylv; instead, his eyes were narrowed as he gazed at the Seer suspiciously.

'How does she know I am the White Devil? Did she see our faces? But no one except the royal family and guards know about my identity, so it's not about seeing my face...'

"I am a Seer, after all, Lucas Nightstar. Isn't that the reason why you, the crown prince, and princess came here?" The Seer said gently, her closed eyes gazing straight into Lucas's blood-red eyes. Her gaze made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end!

'How does she know my name!? No, it could be a skill like appraisal, perhaps? A higher level than mine?'

Lucas kept thinkinh theories about the mysterious Seer in front of him. He didn't believe in this seer stuff and only thought that she was a scammer, so he naturally came to the conclusion that she must have an extremely unique skill instead.

"Princess Sylviette, Prince Raphael, I am honored to be in your presence. If you wouldn't mind, I would like to see your futures," the Seer said.

"Yes! Please, may I go first!" Sylv exclaimed like an excited child, her hand shooting up as if asking for permission.

'You are the princess, you know? And what the heck, shouldn't you act more like one?'

"Sure, go ahead, sister, but please behave yourself a little..." Raphael said with an awkward smile.

"Yes, thank you, brother!" She exclaimed, totally ignoring her brother's lecture and hopping over to sit in front of the Seer.

"Now, princess, if I may, please give me your right hand," the Seer said.

Sylv stretched out her right hand towards the Seer, who took hold of it gently with both hands and then opened her eyes.

Her eyes were pitch black, with countless stars inside, as if you were watching the vast space itself in her eyes. She looked towards Sylv, yet Sylv couldn't feel her gaze anymore. It was as if she wasn't looking at her anymore, but beyond her.

"Princess Sylviette, you are as free as the wind, going wherever your feet take you, yet just like the wind, you move without purpose. In the near future, you will finally find that purpose," the Seer said, while Sylv listened intently. As she absorbed the Seer's words, all she could do was sit in shock.

She was right. She had no purpose; she didn't know what she should do in her life. Yes, she might be the princess of Eldrath, yes, she might be the current strongest champion, yet she had no interest in leading the elves, she had no interest in saving lives, defeating foes. She had no real interest in anything.


"You alright, Sylv?"

Snapping out of her daze, she spoke, easing the worries of her brother and Lucas, knowing that they might get suspicious and kill the Seer if they thought she harmed her.

"A-ah, yes, sorry, don't worry, I am fine!" she said, putting up her cheery attitude again.

Both stared at her suspiciously but let it go for now since they didn't see anything wrong happen.

"Now, Prince Raphael, would you like to try now?" The Seer said with a gentle smile.

"Hmm, I would try to, if it doesn't bother you," Raphael said with a stoic face as he approached and sat in front of her, already extending his right hand. The Seer gently took it and opened her eyes again.

'Those eyes... is that to do with her ability, perhaps?' Lucas thought.

"You will be a light that will guide the way for the elven race, though your path will be filled with loss, but gain. You will never yield in the face of the impossible and continue to carve the path for taking the elven race to newer heights," the Seer said, while Raphael just sat there, contemplating her words.

"My prince, do what you keep doing. Though I told the future, I can't tell you what you must do since the future could always change as if on the constant run," the Seer said, helping Raphael out.

"I see. Thank you for the advice," Raphael said sincerely.

"It is my duty as an elder to guide the young, my prince," the Seer said.

The Seer, as she said, then turned her face towards Lucas, who was watching her without any expression on his face, nor could anything be seen in his eyes except for a cold glint that sent shivers down everyone's spines.

"Lucas Nightstar, what about you? Do you want me to tell you your future?" The Seer said as she gazed into Lucas's eyes again, her own still closed.

"I don't believe in you being a Seer. Just like you said, the future is always on the run, meaning the future isn't set in stone. Even if you had the ability to see the future, what you saw might have been just a variant of many, and by telling us ours, you might have already altered the future. You might have some sort of weird skill that makes your eyes like this, but in the end, you are just a scammer in my eyes," Lucas said as he kept staring at her closed eyes.

"Perhaps... Perhaps not. Maybe by giving them a glimpse of their future, it will change, or maybe by exactly doing that, it would lead to the said future I saw. I believe that, in the end, everything is connected. And after all, what I see always comes true. And if you don't believe me..." The Seer suddenly sneered, "I'll tell you one thing about your future. Ask me anything," she said.

As Lucas stared at the Seer, the room grew tense as both fell into silence. After a while, Lucas spoke.

"Fine. Tell me..."

"How do I die?" Lucas said, shocking everyone in the room except for the Seer, who asked, "Are you sure knowing how you might die could have dire consequences?" She wanted to make sure of Lucas's decision.

"Mm, I am sure," he said as he sat in front of the Seer.

"H-Hey, Lucas, maybe you shouldn't do this. I don't have a good feeling about this..." Sylv said in a worried tone, not liking the idea of knowing about her friend's death. Unlike Lucas, she actually believed a little in the Seer, and it scared her since everyone knows that knowing how you die never ends well.

"Yeah, my sister is right, Lucas. Perhaps you should reconsider," Raphael said, also worried.


"It is fine. If she is an actual Seer, I am curious how I would die in the future," Lucas said as he stretched out his right hand, and the Seer gently took it as she opened her eyes and peered into it.

"I see..." she spoke, her brows furrowing for the first time in confusion.

"A boy with black hair and black eyes... an old broken house being set ablaze by the boy as people screamed while being burnt alive. Children could be heard c-crying and screaming as the fire surrounded their bodies and engulfed them until nothing but ashes were left," the Seer spoke in a trembling voice.

Suddenly, it felt as if the temperature in the room dropped below zero.

"Hey, what did you jus-"

"No, wait. I see the boy a little younger, standing in front of a dead dog... behind him, the bodies of three little children with a knife lying on the ground next to the boy..."

Before Lucas could respond again, the frown on her face deepened as her body started to tremble, and her voice started to shake.

"N-no, I see bodies of adults and children everywhere as the black-haired boy, a little older, stood surrounded by them."

"I see, no, I suddenly see you surrounded by destruction as you die by the stars falling on you and destroying everything in its path. Wait, no, you die by a being covered in darkness as it rips your heart out. No, you die by killing yourself with your own blade. You die by a truck running over you, by a being in darkness. No, the being of darkness fights you to the death as you get beheaded."

"Hey, enough, stop," Lucas said, his eyes wide open and his gaze cold. Killing intent could be seen leaking out of him as an aura started to surround his body.

"The person you love the most gets killed in front of you as you go mad and d-destroy the entire world, and in the end, you kill yourself. The dark being r-rips the bodies of your loved ones one by one as you stand there watching, unable to move-"

"ENOUGH!" Lucas screamed as his aura shot outwards, and the room began shaking. Just as Lucas was about to lose control and transform into his half-dragon form to destroy the Seer, he felt a soft hand grab his.

"L-Lucas, wait! Calm down, okay?"

Sylv spoke in a gentle yet panicked tone, trying to prevent Lucas from doing anything he might regret as she attempted to calm him down.

"I AM CALM!" Lucas screamed at Sylv, who watched him with a worried expression.

"T-then w-why are you crying?" Sylv's voice trembled with extreme worry.

Crying? Lucas was confused at what she said, and as he raised his hands and touched his cheeks, he felt something wet on the tips of his fingers. He was crying. But why? Why am I crying? I thought I let go of everything back then... This is supposed to be a new life, a new chance. So why?

"L-Lucas, are you okay? Listen, we should perhaps get out of here. It's getting late, and someone might notice us being gone," Raphael said, worried, as he tried to usher them away from the stall before anything else happened.

"Y-Yeah, you're right. Let's go," Lucas said as he left, Sylv still holding his hand and Raphael following behind.

Before they left, they heard the Seer's voice one more time, stopping them in their tracks.

"Those weren't just futures I saw. I saw your past, present, and future all at the same time. Not just your deaths, but also the choices that led to the deaths of everyone else. Your entire life was like that of a storm; it was chaos. No... Y-you are chaos itself. L-Lucas Nightstar, who are you really?" The Seer's voice trembled, but Lucas and the others left without answering her question.