Lucas Nightstar, son of a viscount [3]

Alexander, Violet, Lena, and Luna were currently in their hotel room. Alexander was finishing some paperwork while sitting at the desk, feeling the angry gaze of Violet, who was lying down on the bed with Lena and Luna next to her, watching videos on her phone happily.

He understood why she was angry; this was supposed to be a free day, yet here he was, doing paperwork just before bed. It wasn't his fault, okay? He just forgot that the deadline was due tomorrow...

After 10 minutes, he was finally done with his work, enduring the angry gaze he felt at his back, making him break out in a cold sweat. He got up from his chair and started walking towards his angry wife, who was now pouting and turned her head away from him while still gently stroking Lena's hair. He couldn't help but smile bitterly at her cute antics as he approached her.


Right before he arrived next to the bed, everything started to shake violently. Not just the room, not just the hotel, but the entire Moon City was shaking. Bewildered by the sudden turn of events, he instantly looked at his wife and daughter, seeing his wife embracing Lena while she screamed out of fear.

As the shaking finally subsided, everyone in Moon City heard the sound of glass shattering loudly, reverberating inside their ears, making some even pass out. Alexander didn't understand what was happening anymore. Everyone was moving too fast for him to even comprehend the situation.

"Is Moon City being attacked?"

He didn't have to think too long, as the sound dissipated, and Lucielle and William instantly barged into the room with frightened expressions.

"M-my lord! The barrier of the Nightstar Estate has been broken! I can't contact Vice Commander Dylan or anyone else!" William said with panic on his face, much like Lucielle.

Hearing the reason for the sudden chaos in Moon City, Alexander's face turned grim. Only if a saint or extremely powerful grandmasters attacked could they break the barrier. Cold sweat started breaking out as he began to panic as well. His son, Lucas, was inside the Nightstar Estate...

["I can't contact father anymore... T-this has never happened before," Luna suddenly spoke to everyone, making their faces even more grim as their heads spun with countless thoughts.

"Mommy, I am scared." Snapping out of everyone's dark thoughts was the frightened Lena, who was sobbing in her mother's embrace.

"It's alright, Lena... everything will be alright," Violet spoke, trying to soothe her, yet the others could see clearly how frightened and scared she was for Lucas.

"Lucielle, stay here and protect my wife and daughter with the other knights, and contact Lunar Guild immediately to calm everyone in Moon City down. William, let's prepare for battle," Alexander spoke out his orders as they started to move out immediately.

"Please save Lucas, dear..." Hearing his wife's desperate plea, he turned around and gently assured her.

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to him. Besides, he is my son; he wouldn't go down without a fight."

Those were the last words he spoke before leaving with William. As he stepped outside the hotel, William, using his superior physique, started running at a speed that no one could see as a burst of wind hit everyone nearby, and Alexander burst out in violent flames, making the already panicking people outside even more frightened as he launched himself into the air, forming a crater at his previous position towards the Nightstar Estate, hoping he could arrive in time...


After 5 minutes, William and Alexander both arrived in front of the broken gate of the Nightstar Estate. Alexander landed in front of the already broken gate, forming a crater. In front of them lay a broken gate in thousands of pieces and a headless body, with blood everywhere around them.

"If I am correct, his name was Lenard, one of the knights in charge of guarding the gate this month..." William spoke with sorrow as he gazed at the headless body.

"It must be the demons that have attacked us... it has been more than 7 years since such a large-scale attack has been carried out by them..."

"Let's proceed fast. I can sense the overwhelming presence of two beings at the training grounds," Alexander spoke as both made their way towards the training ground hurriedly.

'Please be safe, son...'

Finally, both of them arrived at the training grounds. Gazing at the scene, both couldn't help but grit their teeth as flames started appearing on Alexander's body and William gripped his greatsword harder.

'A count-ranked demon? No... something is off about him... and just what the hell is that thing... I have never seen anything like that ever in my life...'

The count-ranked demon was one thing, the baron-ranked demons and viscount-ranked demon with a few lesser demons were another... but that ominous being between them, just gazing at it, felt like a thousand insects were crawling on the skins of William and Alexander.

'A mental attack just looking at him!' Alexander instantly realized what was happening and why so many were kneeling already. He was glad at least that his son was holding up fine as it could be.

Noticing them, hope started filling the eyes of everyone present except for Lucas and Dylan.


"Lord Alexander!"

The knights who were despairing before were now full of hope at seeing the patriarch of the Nightstar and the commander of the Falling Stars' arrival.

'If I or William engage in battle here, everyone around us will perish... I need to find a way to get that count-ranked demon and whatever that thing is out of here.'

The mad demon, noticing Alexander and William as well, turned around and spoke as he extended his long arms out.

"Ah! Well, if it isn't the patriarch of the Nightstars! With the commander of the Falling Stars! Ah, I am honored to be in your presence, Lord Alexander and Lord William! But alas, I already am booked today with a meeting with your son, Lord Alexander!"

"Just what do you mean by-"

Before Alexander could finish speaking, the mad demon count suddenly disappeared and appeared right behind Lucas.

'Space magic!? By a demon, how!?"

Never had there been a record of demons being able to use space magic, yet right in front of him was one who teleported behind Lucas.

"Well then, it was fun while it lasted. Please don't worry, I am sure my friend here will keep you both accompanied, Lord Alexander and Lord William!" The mad demon said as he gripped Lucas's shoulder before he or anyone else could react, both suddenly disappeared under everyone's eyes.


Alexander shouted from the top of his lungs as fire started enveloping his whole body, while at the same time, William gripped his greatsword tighter and a golden aura shot out of him. Abadux and the viscount-ranked demon did the same as both unleashed their miasma as well. The viscount-ranked demon, though, paled in comparison to the wraith.

Dylan, not wanting to be left behind, unleashed as blue aura started to shoot out of him as he gripped his sword even tighter.

Pillars of fire, gold, blue, and black could be seen piercing the heavens from everyone inside Moon City and a few neighboring cities.

Everyone under the grandmaster stage, including the baron-ranked demons, felt as if they were mere ants in their presence, as all of them knew if they stayed any longer, they would die in an instant, so they ran as fast as they could. No matter if enemy or not, they knew just standing a second longer would end in their deaths.

And as they all fled,

Chaos finally descended on Moon City.

[AN: Finally made an Discord Server!]