
"Reckless! Just how reckless can the both of you be?"

Violet shouted at Lucas and Magnus as she coldly gazed down at them, seated on the couch in front of her.

Currently, it was nighttime as she scolded both of them for the 'spar' they had four hours ago.

Just half an hour ago, Lucas woke up in his bed after he fell unconscious from using all his mana.

"Did you think about what would happen if Lucas didn't manage to counter your spell?"

"You don't need to worry; I knew he would do something to get out of that situation," Magnus tried to reason.

"You knew? How would you know? Is that some sort of special ability of a saint?"


"Shut up, enough of those excuses of yours," his mother said coldly to Magnus.

Hearing her cold voice, he instantly shut up, not wanting to kick the hornet's nest even further.

"And you,"

she suddenly turned towards Lucas, who was trying to be so still that perhaps she had forgotten his presence.

"Have you gone mad? You are about to leave tomorrow for the academy, so I thought it was good for you to have a light spar with your grandfather to loosen up. But instead, you and him didn't spar but decided to use such devastating spells on each other as if you wanted to kill the other!

What if you lost control of the situation, and the cost wasn't just mana exhaustion? You could have killed yourself with how dangerous each spell you cast was!" 

Her mother said, not in a cold voice but in an extremely worried tone as tears welled up in her eyes.

"...I am sorry, mom... I didn't mean to make you worry this much." Lucas said guiltily, his head down, as he really didn't intend to make her worry.

He was fighting a saint and knew it wouldn't be easy to go against him even if he was limited.

He knew that this spar was the perfect opportunity to test out some new spells he never got the chance to try.

He realized that after seeing how powerful each spell he cast was and was even more sure that he wouldn't be able to lay a scratch on him after even his half-dragon form was nothing against him.

He wanted to do something... he didn't want the fight to end so anticlimactically.

"I-I already lost you almost once, Lucas... please, I don't want to go through that pain ever again..."

Her mother said as Lucas snapped his head up, gazing at her face, seeing tears streaming down her face as Magnus just could only look down himself.

Standing up, he gently embraced her.

"I am sorry... I promise, mom, I won't do something like this ever again..."

"So please stop crying; it hurts me as well when you cry..." Lucas spoke softly as he caressed her soft hair while she cried in his embrace.

'Noah... perhaps you are right, maybe I really am a monster even in this life but... at least this time I won't mind being one I won't unlike last time lose my reason for being one... perhaps I am a coward but unlike you... I won't have any regrets. not ever again...'


He was awestruck.

As he came out of the mana teleporter and exited the building it resided in, he was simply awestruck as he viewed the capital, Zaphyr.

Zaphyr was the capital in the human domain, as well as where Shield is located. Strangely enough, the royal family doesn't reside inside the capital. 

Zaphyr is also dubbed as the capital of Myrniel, where all races come together. 

Even though it was in the human domain, no one actually minded, or at least the higher-ups didn't. 

Human domain or not, there wasn't any bias in the capital, as every race would be treated equally.

The capital looked even better than Moon City; it was even more advanced and futuristic than Moon City.

Tall, beautiful skyscrapers pierced the clouds.

Different types of cars hovered around the city as the streets were filled with life.

Humans, dwarves, beastfolk, elves, and a variety of other races could be seen walking around.

"Fufu. is it your first time here, Lucas? Didn't you come here while you were out adventuring?"

His mother, who was next to him, asked as she enjoyed the expression he was making since it was rare seeing him break his calm demeanor.

But it wasn't just him; in her arms was Lena, with Luna nestled on top of her head. Both were as awestruck as Lucas was as they gazed at the capital.

"Pretty..." Lena said as her eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Mm, I avoided going to the capital since it seemed too troublesome... I slightly regret that now, though..."

"[Father... can I go explore?]" Luna asked with enthusiasm; she really wanted to go and adventure out in the capital.

"Not yet, Luna; let's first get settled in our hotel and unpack our stuff there."

"The driver should arrive any moment now, Young Master and Madame," Lucielle said from behind as next to her was Dylan.

They didn't bring anyone else since these two would suffice as the capital was already an extremely safe place where fighting was almost impossible.

Especially with the recent demon attack at the Nightstar Estate, a huge fuss was created, and extra security measures had been taken in the capital and almost every other city.

His father couldn't come, and neither could William since it was best for both to stay at Moon City as they still have to deal with the aftermath of the demon attack and control the public since a rumor has started to spread inside the city that the Nightstars have a saint.

"Mommy! Let's go, I want to explore!" Lena said with excitement as she gazed with her innocent sparkling eyes directly at their mother's eyes, making an arrow pierce the hearts of anyone watching.

'Damn, she is adorable!' Lucas thought.

"Fufu. calm down, dear, didn't you hear what your brother just told Luna? We are going to the hotel first and rest a little bit. After that—"

"But! I wanna go now!" She said impatiently as tears were starting to appear in her eyes.

Seeing the situation might escalate and not wanting her to cry, especially in public before anyone recognizes them, he approached her and gently wiped the tears away.

"Don't cry, okay? How about after we unpack, we go buy some candy together?"

"Really!?" She said as her whole demeanor changed again to excitement.


"Lucas. Don't spoil her too much; she already ate some snacks yesterday," their mother said sternly, not wanting Lena to get her way every time she is about to cry.

Hearing her mother's words, she started pouting and turned away as if emphasizing she was angry.


He just smiled at the scene, finding it quite amusing as he started patting Lena's head, who closed her eyes enjoying his touch.

"It's fine, isn't it? Today is a special day, after all. We should just enjoy ourselves for the time being," Lucas said as his mother in the end finally relented, albeit reluctantly, making Lena break out in a big smile.

It looks like his mother can't say no to him after everything that happened...