Calamity of Dread [1]

"Allow me to keep your ears safe~"

Seraphina playfully said as she removed the sound barrier around them and created a new one solely around Lucas, shielding him from what was about to happen next.

The barrier formed around Lucas as Seraphina stepped forward, standing at the edge of the abandoned skyscraper and looking out over the ruined city. Lucas watched as she inhaled deeply, and in the next second... a loud screech erupted from her throat.

The screech perfectly mimicked the agonized cry of the Moth Lucas had defeated, reverberating throughout the entire city and causing nearby buildings to tremble.

Seraphina had managed to replicate the sound of the Moth with her sound affinity. The plan was simple: attract the remaining calamities by mimicking the screech of their dead sibling, making them curious as to why they heard the sound of someone who should be dead.