Light of Judgement

"Shouldn't you go help the others?"

Seraphina asked as she and Lucas sat next to each other, leaning against a broken wall to rest.

Lucas looked at her with a deadpan expression.

"Why do I need to go help? Didn't we agree we would take care of this calamity and they would do the others? If they can't even do that, then they don't deserve my help. Besides, you aren't even injured, so you should go help."

Lucas retorted at Seraphina, making her pout.

"You would make an innocent girl who is tired after just fighting for her life fight again?"

"It's not like you would actually die... Besides, I am tired as well, alright? Believe it or not, infusing mana with aura isn't really the healthiest thing to do."

Seraphina raised her eyebrows at that statement and looked at him worriedly.