Entrance Ceremony

A tired sigh left Lucas's lips as he looked at himself in the mirror.

It was currently 8 a.m., an hour before the entrance ceremony.

He was wearing the Shield uniform consisting of black pants, a black tie, a black jacket with a golden shield logo on the right side, and a white shirt underneath.

Nodding as if satisfied with himself, he turned around, gently picked up Luna, and placed her on his shoulder.

She was still sleeping.

'Seriously, how much can she sleep...'

Unlike her, after he and Elizabeth departed to their respective rooms to rest, he still couldn't get an ounce of sleep.

In the end, he just sat on a chair while playing with his phone.

Even though he could go for days without sleep normally, for some reason he already felt tired.

He was consciously breathing and blinking constantly, making him extremely annoyed and tiring him further.

'Just what is happening to me... is it because I am anxious?'