A monster [2]


Lucas thought as he gazed at Seraphina circling around him like a predator waiting for the right opportunity to strike.

He could see the clear frustration in her eyes, yet he tried to ignore it.

He didn't like harming the people he cared about in the slightest, but that didn't mean he was afraid to spar with someone. 

Seraphina, however, was different from anyone else he cared about...

She was perhaps the only person in the entire world who knew him the best.

Suddenly, her aura flared as she coated her daggers with it.

She shot towards him at a speed that almost no one watching could follow except for a few.

A series of thrusts were thrown at Lucas as he kept dancing around them, barely avoiding the daggers.

To others, it might seem he was playing around, but in truth, he was having a hard time focusing solely on dodging her attacks.