Nyx, Sovereign of Shadows [1]

Walking towards his room, Lucas couldn't help but feel happy about what he gained today.

He had been stuck for a while with how to proceed with his space affinity.

Sure, he managed to create a black hole, but that would deplete all his mana currently. He didn't want to have spells that would drain all his mana instantly.

So, having Julius as his personal teacher would help him gain more spells that would be useful.

There were not many mages with the space affinity, and those who did have it rather kept their spells to themselves.

After making a deal with Julius, he only had combat class left for the day, which was just sparring with others.

As he was about to arrive in front of his door, he suddenly felt his phone vibrate.

Taking it out of his pocket, he saw that he had a message.

As he read the message, the expression on his face turned complex.

'Could it be...'