The Void

"Just what the hell does that mean... those who dwell within awaiting the binding seal to break?"

Aurora's voice trembled as she turned to Lucas, trying to decipher the cryptic message.

"I don't know," Lucas responded, his voice equally uncertain. He had theories, but nothing concrete, nothing that made sense.

As the weight of the enigma settled upon them, Nyx sighed and rose from the couch, drawing Lucas's attention.

He was in an unfamiliar place, surrounded by the unknown. Lucas knew he was at their mercy.

Nyx walked to the window, his gaze lost in the sea of trees outside.

'Where are we even?' Lucas wondered, his mind racing.

"You've managed to translate it perfectly... it's uncanny. You remind me of Master," Nyx murmured, sorrow lacing his tone as he continued to stare into the distance.

'Master?' Aurora and Lucas exchanged puzzled glances. Nyx's words hung heavily in the air.